The contempt that they show for the sick, disabled, immunocompromised and other #HighRiskCOVID Americans is only eclipsed by the arrogance with which they continue to pretend that they haven’t been fully captured by the necrosecurity scheme of this administration.
I truly cannot believe that this is the route that the #CDC is going at this juncture in time. They clearly think that we are all a bunch of uneducated fools. They have another think coming. #HighRiskCOVID is done with their garbage.
Three of these six so-called #COVID “prevention measures” aren’t preventative of anything at all. And they couldn’t even be bothered to find an image of an N95.
I’m baying for blood at this point. How dare they?
Birdapp refugee still figuring things out but looking for fellow accounts on the topic of but not limited to: #climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #antifascist #antifa #highrisk #masks #longcovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #privacy #cybersecurity #leftisim #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #NAFO #COVID19 #feminism #lableaktheory #climatechangenews #HighRiskCOVID #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk
#climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #AntiFascist #antifa #HighRisk #masks #LongCovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #privacy #CyberSecurity #leftisim #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #nafo #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climatechangenews #HighRiskCOVID #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk