The late life autism diagnosis grief cycle.
1: Joy, The realisation that you are not a freak, just wired differently
2: Rage: That moment when you realise how you've been mistreated by people your whole life
3: Identity crisis: Trying to figure out who you really are after realising you can take of the mask you've been wearing for decades.
4: Repeat 1-3 until acceptance
#autism #actuallyautistic #HighfunctioningAutism #notafreak
Redoing my old intro post, because lots of new followers and so forth. Thank you to everyone.
A few tags of things that interest me.
#Humour #Funny #Sarcasm #Comedy #StandUp #Innuendo #UnintendedInnuendo #StarWars #StarTrek #Firefly #Farscape #FinalSpace #SciFi #Fantasy #Tolkien #TerryPratchett #Discworld #TheExpanse #JamesCorey #Grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #Fuck #Dogs #Smuturday #RockMusic
#80sMusic #90sMusic
#Technology #Equality
#HumanRights #Disabilities
#humour #funny #sarcasm #comedy #standup #innuendo #unintendedinnuendo #starwars #startrek #firefly #farscape #FinalSpace #scifi #fantasy #tolkien #terrypratchett #discworld #theexpanse #JamesCorey #grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #fuck #dogs #smuturday #rockmusic #80smusic #90sMusic #technology #equality #humanrights #disabilities #HighfunctioningAutism
Don't try this on a tame, or ferral introvert... especially if they're also on the spectrum and high functioning like I am.
Because when we spot a lie, when we put those dozen of tiny snippets together over days/weeks/years and realise the truth.
You'll never be trusted ever again... chances are, you'll simply be cut out of their life entirely Door slammed, locked and key disposed off.
It's just not worth it.
#introverts #autistic #HighfunctioningAutism #DontLieToUsWeAlwaysFindOut