Global News BC: ‘Overdue’: Business groups decry delays on widening Highway 1 through Fraser Valley #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Trans-CanadaHighway #highway1widening #HighwayWidening #Infrastructure #Abbotsford #Chilliwack #Congestion #Politics #Gridlock #Highway1 #Traffic #Economy #Highway
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #trans #highway1widening #highwaywidening #infrastructure #Abbotsford #Chilliwack #congestion #politics #gridlock #Highway1 #traffic #economy #Highway
There's a #highway that connects Los Angeles (well, #Azusa) to State Route 2. Or, it used to. For forty-five years, it leads to a dead end four miles from State Route 2. The state finally allocated money to repair it in 2009, and then they took that money and used it to fix a bridge on PCH instead.
Global News BC: Coquihalla Highway closed between Hope and Merritt due to ‘extreme winter weather’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CoquihallaHighway #Coquihallaweather #Coquihallaclosed #southerninterior #alternateroute #Highway5closed #highwayclosure #highwayclosed #BCInterior #Coquihalla #Highway5 #Traffic #Weather #Highway #Merritt #HOPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #CoquihallaHighway #coquihallaweather #Coquihallaclosed #southerninterior #alternateroute #highway5closed #highwayclosure #highwayclosed #BCInterior #Coquihalla #Highway5 #traffic #Weather #Highway #Merritt #hope
Germany jumps on #Wireless EV charging bandwagon
#EVs #ElectricVehicles #electric #electricite #electricidad #electriccars #cars #automobile #automotive #evcharging #innovation #research #travel #traveling #Germany #Battery #batteries #highway #Autobahn #electrification #fleetelectrification #electricbus
#ElectricBus #fleetelectrification #electrification #autobahn #Highway #batteries #battery #germany #traveling #travel #research #innovation #EVcharging #automotive #automobile #cars #electriccars #electricidad #electricite #electric #electricvehicles #evs #wireless
Global News BC: Snow and ice cause headaches on highways in B.C. Interior, Vancouver Island #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #VancouverIsland #Traveladvisory #HighwayTravel #BCInterior #BCweather ##bcstorm #Weather #Highway #Travel #Storm #Snow #Ice
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverisland #Traveladvisory #HighwayTravel #BCInterior #BCweather #bcstorm #Weather #Highway #travel #storm #snow #ice
Global News BC: Coquihalla Highway closed in both directions between Hope and Merritt #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CoquihallaHighway #Coquihallaclosed #southerninterior #ExtremeWeather #highwayclosed #BCInterior #Coquihalla #RoadSafety #Traffic #drivebc #Highway #Merritt #Travel #HOPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #CoquihallaHighway #Coquihallaclosed #southerninterior #ExtremeWeather #highwayclosed #BCInterior #Coquihalla #roadsafety #traffic #drivebc #Highway #Merritt #travel #hope
Beaverton: Middle Finger named “Official Bird” of Ontario highways #satire #canada #commentary #middlefinger #Ontario #driving #Highway #401
#satire #Canada #commentary #middlefinger #ontario #driving #Highway
🇨🇳 #Why_China can Build Huge #Infrastructure #Projects in such a #Magical_Way?🇨🇳
Over the #past_four_decades, infrastructure in China has developed by #leaps and #bounds. The length of China's #railway has #expanded from 50,000 km in 1978 to 130,000 km in 2018. Its #highway also increased from 120,000 km to 4.05 million km during the same period.
#hft #rtb #seo #Highway #expanded #railway #Bounds #LEAPS #past_four_decades #Magical_Way #projects #infrastructure #Why_China #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
🇨🇳 #Why_China can Build Huge #Infrastructure #Projects in such a #Magical_Way?🇨🇳
Over the #past_four_decades, infrastructure in China has developed by #leaps and #bounds. The length of China's #railway has #expanded from 50,000 km in 1978 to 130,000 km in 2018. Its #highway also increased from 120,000 km to 4.05 million km during the same period.
#hft #rtb #seo #Highway #expanded #railway #Bounds #LEAPS #past_four_decades #Magical_Way #projects #infrastructure #Why_China #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
🇨🇳 #Why_China can Build Huge #Infrastructure #Projects in such a #Magical_Way?🇨🇳
Over the #past_four_decades, infrastructure in China has developed by #leaps and #bounds. The length of China's #railway has #expanded from 50,000 km in 1978 to 130,000 km in 2018. Its #highway also increased from 120,000 km to 4.05 million km during the same period.
Founder of #SEO
Founder of #RTB
Founder of #HFT
Disclaimer: http://Davidv.TV
#hft #rtb #seo #Highway #expanded #railway #Bounds #LEAPS #past_four_decades #Magical_Way #projects #infrastructure #Why_China #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
ஒவ்வொரு மாவட்டங்களிலும் ஹெலிகாப்டர் இறங்குதளம் அமைக்க முடிவு! மத்தியஅமைச்சர் ஜோதிராதித்ய சிந்தியா via
#Helipad #district #Highway #helicopter
#helicopter #Highway #district #helipad
Bus in California goes off highway and crashes, injuring 24 - ABC News #california #goes #highway #crashes #injuring #news #5agosto
#5agosto #news #injuring #crashes #Highway #goes #california
சேலம் – சென்னை 8 வழிச்சாலை மாநில அரசு கருத்துக்காக காத்திருப்பு : அமைச்சர் தகவல் via
#Salem #8Lane #Highway
Eighth person dies from wrong-way crash on Illinois highway - ABC News #eighth #person #dies #from #wrong-way #crash #illinois #highway #news #4agosto
#4agosto #news #Highway #illinois #crash #wrong #from #dies #person #eighth
Paved highway to run through Amazon gains initial approval in Brazil | Amazon rainforest | The Guardian #paved #highway #through #amazon #gains #initial #approval #brazil #rainforest #guardian #29luglio
#29luglio #guardian #rainforest #brazil #approval #initial #gains #amazon #through #Highway #PAVED
ரூ. 14850 கோடி செலவில் ஜூலை 16 ம் தேதி பிரதமர் மோடி திறந்து வைத்த சாலை ஒரே மழையில் பாலம் பாலமாக துண்டானது via
#Bundlekhand #expressway #Road #Highway
#Highway #road #expressway #Bundlekhand
ரூ. 14850 கோடி செலவில் ஜூலை 16 ம் தேதி பிரதமர் மோடி திறந்து வைத்த சாலை ஒரே மழையில் பாலம் பாலமாக துண்டானது via
#Bundlekhand #expressway #Road #Highway
#Highway #road #expressway #Bundlekhand
2 kids among 6 dead in Montana highway pileup, 8 others hurt - ABC News #kids #among #dead #montana #highway #pileup #others #hurt #news #17luglio
#17luglio #news #hurt #others #pileup #Highway #montana #dead #among #kids
6 people die after storm causes Montana highway pileup - ABC News #people #after #storm #causes #montana #highway #pileup #news #16luglio
#16luglio #news #pileup #Highway #montana #causes #storm #after #people
Authorities report vehicle pileup on Montana highway; governor calls it a 'mass casualty' crash - ABC News #authorities #report #vehicle #pileup #montana #highway #governor #calls #'mass #casualty' #crash #news #16luglio
#16luglio #news #crash #casualty #x27mass #calls #governor #Highway #montana #pileup #vehicle #report #authorities #x27