An article on the history of the forestry industry in #Tūātapere, at the end of #Highway99 from last century... Gosh it sounds a long time ago when you put it like that! Fascinating insights into rural community life and stubborn resilience. This archive was gifted with special thanks to the #HumpTrackTrust. Read full article .pdf here:
#NZRuralLife #RuralCommunities #logging #forestry #Southland #Murihiku #WaiauDistrict #HistoryBelongsToEveryone #SharingCommunityHeritage #HumpTrackTrust #Highway99 #Tūātapere
Some of you may remember how I was contacting a magazine to see if they would allow our preservation copy of an old article on our community which is still under #Copyright, to be put in the public archive and astonishingly they agreed, so here it is (the indexing alone took me nearly a whole day!)
#Highway99 #Aotearoa #NZTwits
#Heritage #SmallTownCulture
#SocioEconomics #Murihiku
#Southland #WesternSouthland
#Tūātapere #WaiauDistrict #NZ
#nz #WaiauDistrict #Tūātapere #WesternSouthland #Southland #Murihiku #socioEconomics #SmallTownCulture #heritage #nztwits #aotearoa #Highway99 #CentralAndWesternArchive #copyright