On target! This editorial obviously didn't pass through the political affairs editor's desk!
RT @ananthkrishnan@twitter.com
The Hindu's editorial on the #HijabVerdict: Freedom of religion is important because freedoms are important, and not because religions are important. https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/editorial/essentially-flawed-the-hindu-editorial-on-the-karnataka-high-courts-hijab-verdict/article65231490.ece
ஹிஜாப் மேல்முறையீடு வழக்கு! ஹோலி விடுமுறைக்கு பின் விசாரிப்பதாக உச்சநீதிமன்றம் தகவல்… https://patrikai.com/hijab-ban-supreme-court-to-hear-pleas-against-karnataka-hc-ruling-after-holi-vacation/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Hijab #HijabVerdict #APPEAL #KarnatakaHijabControversy #KarnatakaHighCourt #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtOfIndia #Holi2022 #Holi #holidays
#holidays #Holi #Holi2022 #supremecourtofindia #supremecourt #KarnatakaHighCourt #KarnatakaHijabControversy #appeal #HijabVerdict #hijab
If a Tamil girl in South Africa can be allowed to wear nose-ring inside classroom by their court citing diversity, our courts could have allowed girls with Hijab too. That they didn't is sign of the times and idea of India they represent. #HijabVerdict
So #HijabVerdict like Ayodhya verdict is all about giving the mob - ones that perpetrated violence, shouted slogans inside campus and cornered girls - free run. https://dheerajdeekay.wordpress.com/2022/02/18/hindus-and-hijab/