#Filmin estrena el próximo viernes 24 de febrero, en exclusiva en España, #Hilma, la nueva película del cineasta sueco #LasseHallström sobre la vida y obra de la artista #HilmaAfKlint.
Más información en: https://noescinetodoloquereluce.com/2023/02/filmin-estrena-hilma-biopic-sobre-la-artista-hilma-af-klint.html
#filmin #hilma #lassehallstrom #HilmaafKlint
This is the gift you get when your friend who is a comic book nerd knows you like art. #HilmaAfKlint #art #books #graphicnovel
#graphicnovel #Books #Art #HilmaafKlint
Looking forward to getting Julia Voss's Hilma af Klint biography (trans. Anne Posten), but it's hard to square the claim that Voss is 'well-served' by her translator - https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/11/07/bringing-order-to-the-spiritual-fascination-of-hilma-af-klint - with the revelation Posten has excised a third of Voss's text and criticised her for 'unverifiable speculation' - https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/11/07/bringing-order-to-the-spiritual-fascination-of-hilma-af-klint
Looks like I'll have to learn German to experience something of the 'fascinating exploratory quality' of Voss's writing #HilmaafKlint #spiritualism #abstractart #art
#Art #abstractart #spiritualism #HilmaafKlint
Looking forward to getting Julia Voss's Hilma af Klint biography (trans. Anne Posten), but it's hard to square the claim that Voss is 'well-served' by her translator https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/11/07/bringing-order-to-the-spiritual-fascination-of-hilma-af-klint with the revelation Posten has excised a third of Voss's text and criticised her for 'unverifiable speculation' https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/11/07/bringing-order-to-the-spiritual-fascination-of-hilma-af-klint
Looks like I'll have to learn German to experience something of the 'fascinating exploratory quality' of Voss's writing #HilmaafKlint #spiritualism #abstractart #art
#Art #abstractart #spiritualism #HilmaafKlint