Have you read THE NARROW LAND (Atlantic Books) by Christine Dwyer Hickey? The novel, which won the eleventh #WalterScottPrize, explores the marriage of the artists Edward and Jo Hopper.
Find a list of discussion questions for reading groups >> http://bit.ly/WSPnarrowland
@bookstodon #tbr #booktok #ChristineDwyerHickey #HistoricalFiction #histfic #shortlist #bookrec #bookishcommunity #bookclubs #literary #literaryfiction #edwardHopper #JoHopper #LiteraryAward #BookPrize
#BookPrize #literaryaward #johopper #edwardhopper #LiteraryFiction #literary #bookclubs #bookishcommunity #bookrec #Shortlist #HistFic #historicalfiction #christinedwyerhickey #Booktok #tbr #walterscottprize
Teha'amana, who posed for and was child wife of artist Gauguin, inspired author Devika Ponnambalam to write her debut novel, #WalterScottPrize shortlisted I AM NOT YOUR EVE (Bluemoose) http://bit.ly/WSPdevikasl
#history #histfic #19thcentury #Tahiti #writingCommunity #gauguin #ArtHistory @histodons @bookstodon #historicalFiction #DevikaPonnambalam #IAmNotYourEve
#iamnotyoureve #devikaponnambalam #historicalfiction #arthistory #Gauguin #writingcommunity #tahiti #19thcentury #HistFic #History #walterscottprize
Teha'amana, who posed for and was child wife of artist Gauguin, inspired author Devika Ponnambalam to write her debut novel, #WalterScottPrize shortlisted I AM NOT YOUR EVE (Bluemoose) http://bit.ly/WSPdevikasl
#history #histfic #19thcentury #Tahiti #writingCommunity #gauguin #ArtHistory @histodons @bookstodon #historicalFiction #DevikaPonnambalam #IAmNotYourEve
#iamnotyoureve #devikaponnambalam #historicalfiction #arthistory #Gauguin #writingcommunity #tahiti #19thcentury #HistFic #History #walterscottprize
Discover how author Simon Mawer's fascination with his family's history, and the unknown stories of 19th-century ancestors, led to his #WalterScottPrize shortlisted historical novel ANCESTRY (LittleBrownUK) in this exclusive interview http://bit.ly/WSPmawersl
#histfic #SimonMawer #HistoricalFiction #LiteraryFiction #books #booktok
#Booktok #Books #LiteraryFiction #historicalfiction #simonmawer #HistFic #walterscottprize
Discover how author Simon Mawer's fascination with his family's history, and the unknown stories of 19th-century ancestors, led to his #WalterScottPrize shortlisted historical novel ANCESTRY (LittleBrownUK) in this exclusive interview http://bit.ly/WSPmawersl
#histfic #SimonMawer #HistoricalFiction #LiteraryFiction #books #booktok
#Booktok #Books #LiteraryFiction #historicalfiction #simonmawer #HistFic #walterscottprize
You could win our 2023 shortlist -- just subscribe to our newsletter! Plus, you'll be first to hear news, events and opening dates about the #WalterScottPrize and #YoungWalterScottPrize for writers 11-19. Sign up now and we'll add you to the list bit.ly/WSPnewslet
#histfic #writingCommunity #HistoricalFiction #books #giveaway
#giveaway #Books #historicalfiction #writingcommunity #HistFic #youngwalterscottprize #walterscottprize
You could win our 2023 shortlist -- just subscribe to our newsletter! Plus, you'll be first to hear news, events and opening dates about the #WalterScottPrize and #YoungWalterScottPrize for writers 11-19. Sign up now and we'll add you to the list bit.ly/WSPnewslet
#histfic #writingCommunity #HistoricalFiction #books #giveaway #fiction #bookstodon
#bookstodon #fiction #giveaway #Books #historicalfiction #writingcommunity #HistFic #youngwalterscottprize #walterscottprize
Read winning fiction from this year’s Young #WalterScottPrize writers, now online. Plus, all stories will be published in our print Anthology, with beautiful drawings by book illustrator Tom Morgan-Jones. Congratulations to all our writers! http://bit.ly/YWSP22winfull
#YWSP #HistFic
#HistFic #ywsp #walterscottprize
Read winning fiction from this year’s Young #WalterScottPrize writers, now online. Plus, all stories will be published in our print Anthology, with beautiful drawings by book illustrator Tom Morgan-Jones. Congratulations to all our writers! http://bit.ly/YWSP22winfull
#YWSP #HistFic
#HistFic #ywsp #walterscottprize
Read winning fiction from this year’s Young #WalterScottPrize writers, now online. Plus, all stories will be published in our print Anthology, with beautiful drawings by book illustrator Tom Morgan-Jones. Congratulations to all our writers! http://bit.ly/YWSP22winfull
#YWSP #HistFic
#HistFic #ywsp #walterscottprize
The Walter Scott and Young Walter Scott Prizes are deeply saddened to announce the death of patron and founder, the Duchess of Buccleuch. We will feel her loss intensely, as will the historical fiction writers of the future whom she supported so generously http://bit.ly/WSPmain
#WalterScottPrize #DuchessofBuccleuch #YoungWalterScottPrize #amwriting #HistoricalFiction #histfic
#HistFic #historicalfiction #amwriting #youngwalterscottprize #duchessofbuccleuch #walterscottprize
The Walter Scott and Young Walter Scott Prizes are deeply saddened to announce the death of patron and founder, the Duchess of Buccleuch. We will feel her loss intensely, as will the historical fiction writers of the future whom she supported so generously http://bit.ly/WSPmain
#WalterScottPrize #DuchessofBuccleuch #YoungWalterScottPrize #amwriting #HistoricalFiction #histfic
#HistFic #historicalfiction #amwriting #youngwalterscottprize #duchessofbuccleuch #walterscottprize
"Teha’amana was [#Gaugin's] child bride in #Polynesia, the same age as his eldest daughter." Enjoy this review of #DevikaPonnambalam's #WalterScottPrize shortlisted I AM NOT YOUR EVE (Bluemoose Books) by the winner of our longlist giveaway (she writes such thoughtful reviews! 📗💕)
@histodons #histfic #HistoricalFiction #historical #history #ArtHistory #BookPrize #literary
#literary #BookPrize #arthistory #History #historical #historicalfiction #HistFic #walterscottprize #devikaponnambalam #polynesia #gaugin
Have you read #WalterScottPrize shortlisted THE SUN WALKS DOWN (Allen & Unwin) yet by #FionaMcFarlane? Enjoy this review by Claire Mossud in #HarpersMagazine https://harpers.org/archive/2023/02/new-books-february-2023/
#historicalfiction #HistFic #Books #harpersmagazine #fionamcfarlane #walterscottprize
"When you’re writing about your family, there is an invisible web of emotion that subliminally brings all the words together." Enjoy this review of #WalterScottPrize shortlisted #ANCESTRY (Little, Brown UK) by #SimonMawer https://bookphace.blogspot.com/2023/04/ancestry-simon-mawer.html
@bookstodon #histfic #bookrec #tbr #Books #history #historicalFiction
#historicalfiction #History #Books #tbr #bookrec #HistFic #simonmawer #Ancestry #walterscottprize
"The reader is left to consider some hard-hitting parallels of Australian settlement to American westward expansion." Thanks to Brodie Curtis for this thoughtful review of #WalterScottPrize shortlisted THE SUN WALKS DOWN (Allen & Unwin Books) by Fiona McFarlane in Historical Novel Society https://historicalnovelsociety.org/reviews/the-sun-walks-down/
#historicalFiction #histfic #books #bookstodon #tbr #amreading
#amreading #tbr #bookstodon #Books #HistFic #historicalfiction #walterscottprize
This year's prize for young writers of historical fiction, the prestigious Young Walter Scott Prize, has been won by Ellie Karlin for her story Mrs Fujita's Living Room in the 11-15 years category, and by Rosie Brooker, author of Forever England, in the 16-19 years category.
To read both winning stories see bit.ly/YWSPwin22
#youngwriters #ywsp #writingCommunity #histfic #historicalfiction #winner #youngwriter #writertok #creativewriting #youngwalterscottprize #EllieKarlin #RosieBrooker
#rosiebrooker #elliekarlin #youngwalterscottprize #creativewriting #writertok #youngwriter #winner #historicalfiction #HistFic #writingcommunity #ywsp #youngwriters
Discover the #WalterScottPrize for #HistoricalFiction shortlist 2023: books exploring martyrdom, self-knowledge, remorse, exile, art's human price, complex relationships under an unsettling sun and the impossibility of knowing exactly who we are >> http://bit.ly/WSPsl23
#History #Books #tbr #bookrec #HistFic #historicalfiction #walterscottprize
Writers, did you know that Moniack Mhor offers a dedicated course this autumn on writing #historicalfiction? Tutors include #WalterScottPrize shortlisted Andrew Miller. Learn more https://www.moniackmhor.org.uk/courses/2337-historical-fiction/
Photo: Moniack Mhor
#amwriting #histfic #history #writingprize #walterscottprize #bookish #writersofinstagram #bibliophile #fiction #bookish #writingcommunity #moniackmhor #highlands #scotland #AndrewMiller
#andrewmiller #scotland #highlands #moniackmhor #writingcommunity #fiction #bibliophile #writersofinstagram #bookish #writingprize #History #HistFic #amwriting #walterscottprize #historicalfiction
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