Another successful History Harvest 🌾 in the books! Thanks to the Collinsville Memorial Library Center for hosting - we loved hearing everyone’s stories of how their families came to Madison County!
Pictured: @meg_smith0913 and SIUE history major Phill Hermeyer puzzle out some 19th century German handwriting.
(Fun fact from your resident medievalist: the skill of deciphering old handwriting is called paleography. It’s harder than it looks!)
History: harvested ✅
Thanks to everyone who came to the History Harvest at the Madison County Archival Library! We heard so many rich stories about the people and processes that have brought people into and through Madison County. Watch for another event in December!
#PublicHistory #CitizenArchivist #ImmigrationHistory #Edwardsville #DigitalHumanities #Histodon #Histodons @histodons #HistoryHarvest
#HistoryHarvest #histodons #histodon #digitalhumanities #Edwardsville #ImmigrationHistory #CitizenArchivist #publichistory
Do you have items that tell the story of how your family came to Madison County? We'd love to take a look! The Madison County Historical Society, in collaboration with SIUE's IRIS Center and Department of History, is hosting a History Harvest on the theme of migration and immigration.
#HistoryHarvest #DigitalHumanities #PublicHumanities #IllinoisHistory #ImmigrationHistory #AmericanHistory #Museum #MuseumStudies #LocalHistory #CitizenArchivist #Edwardsville #EdwardsvilleIllinois
#EdwardsvilleIllinois #Edwardsville #CitizenArchivist #localhistory #museumstudies #museum #AmericanHistory #ImmigrationHistory #IllinoisHistory #PublicHumanities #digitalhumanities #HistoryHarvest