More crazy Hahn stories
Dasgupta defended his Cambridge thesis the day before his wedding, Hahn was external examiner
Hahn said he got a proof wrong
Dasgupta found *Hahn's* proof was wrong, rushed to his home hours before his wedding to settle the matter
Hahn: "you must learn that Uncle is never wrong"
Dasgupta: I didn't wish to dispute this, I was going to be late for my wedding
Special question to the #economists and #historians here: Can anyone recommend a comprehensive manual on the history of economics thought? I have taken some courses of history of #politicaleconomy and I am now looking for something at the cutting edge to deepen my knowledge. Please share if you can! Comments are welcome. #HistoryOfEconomicThought #HistoryOfEconomics
#economists #historians #politicaleconomy #historyofeconomicthought #HistoryOfEconomics
Hi, I'm Sarah. I work with a variety of fascinating datasets at the NYPL. In the past I was a researcher at a national community development nonprofit. I work in #rstats, doing #dataAnalysis, #dataViz, and #geospatial work, using #tidyverse tools. Interested in #digitalHumanities, #NLP, #historyOfScience, #historyOfEconomics
I tend towards read-only mode on social media but maybe this will be the place where I engage!
#introduction #rstats #dataanalysis #dataviz #geospatial #tidyverse #digitalhumanities #nlp #historyofscience #HistoryOfEconomics