Ferdi Magellan · @FerdiMagellan
186 followers · 3745 posts · Server aus.social

The evil Brandis on the megalomania of .
“It is odd to see arguments first advanced 3½ centuries ago to defend the Stuart kings revived in 21st century Australia to provide the “philosophical context” of a powerful new department of state.
“A central agency that “embeds” in everyday life, “in a seamless and largely invisible fashion”, “at super scale and at very high volumes” – albeit for the ostensibly benign reason of keeping citizens safe – is ripe for over-reach and misuse of power…
“Mike Pezzullo is a good man and a dedicated servant of Australia. But – as his Hobbesian philosophy of governance reveals – he is precisely the wrong man to be in charge of national security in a liberal democracy.”

From: @CarringBush2020

#auspol #homeaffairs #EmpireBuilding #centralisedpower #Hobbes #pezzullo

Last updated 1 year ago

giuliano ferrara · @ferrarailgrasso
0 followers · 477 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT francesco.masci
Ne jamais oublier que considerait que l'usage de tous les moyens possibles pour se tirer d'affaire est tout-à-fait légal. Si j'étais plongé dans un puit profond - disait-il - et le laissait tomber un nœud coulissant je m'en saisirais pour sortir de là

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/masciparis/st

#Hobbes #Diable

Last updated 1 year ago

Stylo · @stylo_the_unicorn
108 followers · 331 posts · Server kolektiva.social


"The modern state apparatus originally appeared metaphorically with as a dragon-like monster and later was renamed in the context of the mechanistic world view as a counterpart of the market machine to the violence or to the "pedagogical machine", it now began to appear as "". Which means nothing more than that mankind, which was soon made happy by the welfare state, got a machine-like bureaucratic monster for a guardian step-father."

#socialstate #leviathan #Hobbes #fatherstate #robertkurz

Last updated 2 years ago

Stylo · @stylo_the_unicorn
108 followers · 330 posts · Server kolektiva.social


"War der moderne Staatsapparat ursprünglich bei metaphorisch als ein drachenähnliches Ungeheuer erschienen und später im Kontext des mechanistischen Weltbilds als Pendant der Marktmaschine zur Gewaltbzw. zur »pädagogischen Maschine« umgetauft worden, so begann er nun als »« zu firmieren. Was nichts weiter bedeutet, als daß die alsbald sozialstaatlich beglückte Menschheit ein maschinelles bürokratisches Ungeheuer zum vormundschaftlichen Stiefvater bekam."

#Sozialstaat #leviathan #Hobbes #vaterstaat #robertkurz

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist UU · @leftistuu
284 followers · 68 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@sociology @anthropology

So I'm reading an early edition of Gellner's and . I had read an excerpt- his main case for nationhood and nationalism being heavily , rooted in the age, and the most controversial claim I think he makes- that a nation's
and a lot of what constitutes its are, well not "fabricated" but a reconstruction.

As Anderson talks about in Imagined Communities, the very nature of a nation is it is a binding agent between a group where no one person can ever meet everyone in the outlined group. A lot of unifying culture can be understood as very particular, but through writing, cultural showcases, and the like, made to say they were in time immemorial a widespread unifying practice.

What I'm getting to is reading and in The Dawn of Everything, how it invites us to think about what prehistory and the dawn of history were like, and the nature of a nation's origins.

Graeber through all his works was about using his deep knowledge of living communities as a way to propose alternative ways of living, alternative explanations, and create a critique of assumptions. In he goes on an attack of the believed barter period that predates societies that adopted money.

In Dawn the question is whether the thinkers of classic social thinkers are working off an ahistorical or lightly empirical view of "the state of nature" and how so much social theory derives from thinkers that predate modern archeology and anthropology.

I saw some academics be dismissive of Graeber and Wengrow. They do come into political philosophy with an interpretation but it's a difficult task to bridge knowledge of what Hobbes and Rosseau and others allege, and those thinkers themselves. I do think Graeber always issued important challenges to his readers and the larger community that studies bureaucracy, or kingship, or modern work, or value.

The challenge is thus: when we are discussing, writing, shooting the breeze at a cafe or a late night establishment, how do we relate the ongoing task of assembling primary sources, archeological sites, and the everlasting process of rediscovering scholars who were left out of our education or reading list? In some cases, are we really basing "knowledge" on a series of assumptions going back decades or centuries in social thinking?

#sociology #nations #Nationalism #modernist #industrial #history #culture #graeber #wengrow #debt #socialtheory #anthropology #theory #rosseau #Hobbes #nature #origins

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy Daitsman · @adaitsman
36 followers · 440 posts · Server mastodon.online

On a related note, at one point the phrase "train of thought" appears in the text. Trains as such didn't exist during the though they did when was writing in the 1860s, but because I'm a nerd I had to google the phrase. Turns out used it in back in 1651, so its use in isn't an .

#etymology #history #anachronism #WarAndPeace #leviathan #Hobbes #tolstoy #napoleonicwars

Last updated 2 years ago

SchwarzRund · @SchwarzRund
360 followers · 165 posts · Server literatur.social

@phdlife here f.e. my german doodle summary of from , , and later then the Discurs and Cooperation between and .

#contracttheory #Hobbes #Rousseau #locke #patemen #Mills

Last updated 2 years ago

Sozialwelten · @sozialwelten
1532 followers · 10299 posts · Server ifwo.eu
Sozialwelten · @sozialwelten
1438 followers · 10041 posts · Server ifwo.eu
Sozialwelten · @sozialwelten
1438 followers · 10041 posts · Server ifwo.eu
Sozialwelten · @sozialwelten
1438 followers · 10041 posts · Server ifwo.eu