Darrin L Rogers · @DarrinLRogers
72 followers · 98 posts · Server fediscience.org

Any other scientists have little hobbies that dip into sciences, arts, or technologies in which you have little or no training?

For me it's strumming guitar, songwriting, photography, and... I don't think "messing with building geodesic domes" is a science in itself, but um

#domes #fun #dilettante #Hobbies

Last updated 2 years ago

Helen Ginn · @helenginn
90 followers · 50 posts · Server fediscience.org

I hadn't picked up the hammer in 6 months! Definitely rusty (haha) and hammer stamina is absolutely minimal now. But my nascent "working with insecure tong grip" skills survived and even improved, and I'll take the wins when I see them.

#blacksmithing #ScientistHobbies #Hobbies

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Rodebaugh · @drrodebaugh
268 followers · 77 posts · Server fediscience.org

, version. , , .

I enjoy and have written 1.4 books about it, obversebooks.co.uk/product/27- and obversebooks.co.uk/product/37- (I'll be giving a little talk at in February.)

I play and , esp. lately, mostly inventing soundtracks for films that don't exist: tomrodebaugh.bandcamp.com/

My would like to point out that it's actually my job, not hobby, to hold her any time I'm on a Zoom call...

#cat #op1 #teenageengineering #guitar #keyboard #GallifreyOne #doctorwho #gardening #reading #running #Hobbies #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago