My #modelrailway blog was offline for some time. But the work in my train room hasn't stopped. Today's post in the newly revived blog talks about the bench work and track plan.
Train Room Tetris:
Installing servos to operate the points on my #modelrailway layout.
Mounts: 3D-printed by a friend.
Throw wires: straightened paper clips.
The things you do when on a budget... it's too late in the day to do the exact math on the cost per servo vs bespoke point motors, but servos come out ahead by a country mile.
[YouKraut] Flat3Hobbytime Ich bau mir einen Harridan
Jetzt wird es riesig hier. eXi knüpft sich den Harridan vor. Vom Resinklotz zum Lord of War für die Armybox. Hier gibt es eine Portion Flat3Hobbytime für euch! Viel Spaß beim schauen und kommentieren.