I know it's a good day when I catch myself singing "If I Were A Bell" around the kitchen. 💋
#HollyCole #HollyColeTrio #Jazz #VocalJazz #GuysAndDolls #FrankLoesser
#FrankLoesser #GuysAndDolls #VocalJazz #jazz #HollyColeTrio #HollyCole
The issue of #TheNewYorker bearing the date of my Bar Mitzvah contained #fiction by both #SJPerleman and #IBSinger so that's #MyCityInRuins. #SaigonSupersound #LegofLamb #SmokerChips #HollyCole #OrsonWelles #AlfredHitchcock #TheRecognitions #KevinBarry #SteveCarella #JoshuaFerris #TheWannadies #ImABeliever #TheNewPornographers #MichaelMcKean #Tonkotsu #Jeeves #Bertie #ChangMai #Songkran #KarlStruss #SaulBass #LeslieRagan #HarryNilsson #TheBasementTapes #Jockstrap #HoneyHush #BettyBoop #SCTV
#sctv #bettyboop #honeyhush #jockstrap #thebasementtapes #harrynilsson #leslieragan #SaulBass #karlstruss #songkran #changmai #bertie #Jeeves #Tonkotsu #michaelmckean #thenewpornographers #ImABeliever #thewannadies #joshuaferris #stevecarella #kevinbarry #therecognitions #alfredhitchcock #orsonwelles #HollyCole #smokerchips #legoflamb #saigonsupersound #mycityinruins #ibsinger #sjperleman #fiction #thenewyorker
#NYJ, #B&T residing in #Manhattan since 1976, comfortable. #PaulAuster #TerrySouthern #WilliamGaddis #WilliamGoldman #WilliamJames #JamesThurber #AllenToussaint #YoLaTengo #DavidYazbek #TheBandsVisit #HollyCole #Leopoldstadt #JaneBirken #SergeGainsbourg #TheFanMan #OrsonWelles #ErnstLubitsch #PrestonSturges #MichaelTolkin #CharlesKaufman #FrancisCoppola #ComdenandGreen #LeonardBernstein #CharlesPeters #TomWolfe #JoanDidion #NormanMailer #HunterThompson #TerryGilliam #UmaThurman #HedyLamarr
#hedylamarr #UmaThurman #terrygilliam #HunterThompson #NormanMailer #JoanDidion #TomWolfe #CharlesPeters #LeonardBernstein #ComdenandGreen #FrancisCoppola #CharlesKaufman #MichaelTolkin #PrestonSturges #ernstlubitsch #orsonwelles #TheFanMan #SergeGainsbourg #JaneBirken #Leopoldstadt #HollyCole #TheBandsVisit #DavidYazbek #yolatengo #AllenToussaint #JamesThurber #WilliamJames #williamgoldman #WilliamGaddis #TerrySouthern #PaulAuster #manhattan #b #nyj
#OfMontreal, Casualty of You
#TomVek, A Little Word In Your Ear
#HollyCole Trio, Je Ne T'Aime Pas
#TheSundays, A Certain Someone
#MarkLanegan, Emperor
@ErnieKDoe, A Place Where We Can Be Friends
#TheNewMendicants, Cruel Annette
#PublicAccessTV, Meltdown
#PublicAccessTV #TheNewMendicants #MarkLanegan #TheSundays #HollyCole #TomVek #ofmontreal #TheMorningLine