Heute zieht Dr. Watson wieder durchs Grimpener Moor und deckt weiter Geheimnisse des Hundes der Baskervilles für #Holmes auf. Ihr könnt dabei sein direkt hier https://www.buzzsprout.com/1855549/13401578 oder über #applepodcasts #spotifypodcasts #googlepodcasts
#Holmes #applepodcasts #spotifypodcasts #GooglePodcasts
Ability score modifiers was the first #houserules topic I wanted to address in Phenster’s series. Got hung up in combat for longer than I intended.
I like modifiers for all the ability scores, but the modifiers from #ODnD’s Greyhawk supplement are too complex for #Holmes, while Moldvay’s system in #BX is too elegant.
I copy the pertinent table (image). See the article for a short read.
Ability Score Modifiers in the Great Halls of Pandemonium
#ttrpg #osr #DnD #bx #Holmes #odnd #HouseRules
Ability score modifiers was the first #houserules topic I wanted to address in Phenster’s series. Got hung up in combat for longer than I intended.
I like modifiers for all the ability scores, but the modifiers from #ODnD’s Greyhawk supplement are too complex for #Holmes, while Moldvay’s system in #BX is too elegant.
I copy the pertinent table (image). See the article for a short read.
Ability Score Modifiers in the Great Halls of Pandemonium
#ttrpg #osr #DnD #bx #Holmes #odnd #HouseRules
Did you ever give sherlock holmes games a try? Check out if they might be worth picking up today
#sherlock #sherlockholmes #holmes #game #gaming #review #gamereview #gamer #youtuber #youtube
#Sherlock #sherlockholmes #Holmes #game #gaming #review #gamereview #gamer #youtuber #youtube
@Tesqovara Thracia is an awesome choice. I'd want my friend to his own dungeon some more. That place is full of monsters and treasures and levels I haven't explored yet! #DnD #OSR #Holmes
Phenster Prime is dead. Long live Phenster Double Prime!
Saving Throw VS. Death is the last of the Pandemonium Society’s house rules concerning combat. #Holmes #DnD #OSR #rules
TJ And Amy Weren't The Only ABC Staffers Having Sexual Relations, According To New Report | https://www.theroot.com/tj-and-amy-werent-the-only-abc-staffers-having-sexual-r-1850082351 #australianbroadcastingcorporation #americanbroadcastingcompany #abcnewsandcurrentaffairs #thewaltdisneycompany #television #tjholmes #abcnews #amywere #robach #thecut #sascha #holmes #ruth #tj
#australianbroadcastingcorporation #americanbroadcastingcompany #abcnewsandcurrentaffairs #thewaltdisneycompany #Television #tjholmes #abcnews #amywere #robach #thecut #sascha #Holmes #ruth #tj
Got a shipment today! All but one of these signed copies are claimed — First to ask gets it!
Blue Flame, Tiny Stars: A Memoir of Early Experiences Playing the Holmes Edition of the World’s Most Superlative Role-Playing Game
Among other #HouseRules for #Holmes #DnD, in recent articles, Phenster’s adds multiple attacks per round for fighters and “splatter damage” (Advanced Combat), plus shoving, tripping, throwing salt/sand, and other nonlethal actions in combat (Dirty Fighting).
Is combat getting stale? I hit, I miss, I hit again...? Phenster's got the answer: Fight dirty!
#OldSchool #DnD #HouseRules #Holmes #ODnD
#odnd #Holmes #HouseRules #DnD #oldschool
T.J. Holmes’ Estranged Wife Marilee Fiebig Breaks Silence on Couple’s Divorce | https://www.theroot.com/t-j-holmes-estranged-wife-marilee-fiebig-breaks-silen-1849949021 #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #christianviewsondivorce #stephanielehman #marileefiebig #humaninterest #rocnation #amyrobach #tjholmes #surnames #marilee #divorce #holmes #lehman #robach #family #tj
#televisionnewsintheunitedstates #christianviewsondivorce #stephanielehman #marileefiebig #humaninterest #rocnation #amyrobach #tjholmes #surnames #marilee #divorce #Holmes #lehman #robach #family #tj
Sherloctopus, an original Unseen design. Hand burned onto the wood. I also created a Dr Squidson, one day there will be a Mrs Hudson too. #Sherlock #art #craft #NoToAIArt #pyrography #handmade #woodworking #wood #investigate #mystery #crime #violin #music #holmes #burn #sherlockholmes
#Sherlock #art #craft #notoaiart #pyrography #handmade #woodworking #wood #investigate #mystery #crime #violin #music #Holmes #burn #sherlockholmes
With the entire canon going into public domain, looks like someone is doing a Dracula Daily style email list of every single #Sherlock #Holmes story in chronological order as written by Dr. Watson starting with the new year. I just got an email with the prolog to A Study in Scarlett where #Watson meets #SherlockHolmes for the first time. https://lettersfromwatson.substack.com/
#sherlockholmes #watson #Holmes #sherlock
Any fans of Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes? The episodes from the ‘90s are on the new ITV X (free but pay to avoid ads, and you get BritBox when you pay). I’ve just been watching The Last Vampyre, a disturbing yarn. #holmes #sherlock #TelevisionShows #90s #introduction
#Holmes #Sherlock #televisionshows #90s #introduction
The young Max Byrne returns to defend cult classic #YoungSherlockHolmes this #AlterNativityStories. Did this #AmblinEntertainment film flop harder than a deerstalker hat? Or was it all a hallucination my dear #DoctorWatson? #PrepareForPrattle pod.fo/e/15576f
#sherlockholmes #sherlock #benedictcumberbatch #johnwatson #sherlockbbc #johnlock #martinfreeman #sherlocked #bbcsherlock #cumberbatch #bakerstreet #holmes #sherlockedit #mycroftholmes #moriarty #benedict #bbakerstreet #sherlockfandom
#youngsherlockholmes #alternativitystories #amblinentertainment #doctorwatson #prepareforprattle #sherlockholmes #Sherlock #benedictcumberbatch #johnwatson #sherlockbbc #johnlock #martinfreeman #sherlocked #bbcsherlock #cumberbatch #bakerstreet #Holmes #sherlockedit #mycroftholmes #moriarty #Benedict #bbakerstreet #sherlockfandom