Prenošenje Presvetog sakramenta na zasebno mjesto na Veliki četvrtak simbolizira Isusovu usamljenost u Getsemanskom vrtu. Ostavljen, izdan i predan za nas...
#HolyThursday #Eucharystia #JesusChrist #Gethsemane #prayer
#HolyThursday #Eucharystia #JesusChrist #Gethsemane #prayer
After Jesus was arrested, he was taken to the Jewish authorities for a trial (but not a very legal one...) #MaundyThursday #HolyThursday #GoodFriday
#goodfriday #HolyThursday #MaundyThursday
After the meal, Jesus and some of his friends went to a local garden. It was there that one of Jesus's friends betrayed him and Jesus was arrested. #MaundyThursday #HolyThursday
This evening Christians remember the 'last supper', the meal that Jesus had with his friends before he was arrested. #MaundyThursday #HolyThursday
RT @custodiaTS: #HolyThursday
"We are celebrating today great and ineffable #mysteries: the institution of the priesthood and the Most Holy #Eucharist, the new commandment of love"
Homily by S.B. Pierbattista Pizzaballa
#HolyThursday #HolySepulchre #jerusalem #mysteries #Eucharist
Today is Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, the Thursday of Holy Week. It represents the day that the Jewish Passover was celebrated in the Bible Story of Easter. #HolyThursday #MaundyThursday