Because everything's changing, we decided to open some more hours. From August 2023 the openinghours on Sunday will be from 11:00 till 18:00, effectively adding 2 more hours every week to see and use well over 500 unique computer models! #Museum #HomeComputerMuseum #Helmond
#Museum #HomeComputerMuseum #Helmond
We now have a subreddit because.. why not? Join us at and share your stories about computers from years gone by. Maybe your story will end in the museum! #Museum #Storytelling #HomeComputerMuseum
#Museum #Storytelling #HomeComputerMuseum
We launched Labs & Research today. A site dedicated to our Research projects and also to give an insight in the future of the HomeComputerMuseum. Go check it out at #HomeComputerMuseum #museum #labs #Research
#HomeComputerMuseum #Museum #labs #research
It seems we have found a probably one of a kind prototype of the Dutch computerbrand Holborn. We already found it a while ago, but it went missing when we tried to pick it up. It resurfaced in France and we're now trying to get it back. #Museum #Heritage #Helmond #HomeComputerMuseum #Computer
#HomeComputerMuseum #Helmond #Museum #Heritage #Computer
Let's see how Mastodon responds to images. Here's some photos of our oldest working machine, the Tectronix 4051 from 1975. The first graphical basic computer. It was broken for a while, but it's resurrected!
Tags: #Museum #Netherlands #HomeComputerMuseum #Helmond #Netherlands #Culture #Heritage
#HomeComputerMuseum #Helmond #Culture #Museum #Netherlands #Heritage