I usually try to avoid Home Depot.
(I also try to avoid Uline office supplies, but unlike Home Depot, Uline sometimes has decent quality stuff. Both Uline and Home Depot are owned by people who hold views that make me want to avoid giving them my custom.)
Anyway, today I need a door slab in a hurry. HDepot's website said "we have plenty". So I ordered one.
HD silently cancelled it because they suddenly are "out of stock". Gee, what are they using for inventory control?
And to top it off they will refund the $$ in a time more than 10**5 times longer than it took to take my payment.
This adds to my prior experience at #HomeDepot where I left the store bleeding from some quite badly shelved rebar.
Today I was reminded that I used to like #HomeDepot, but now I find the politics behind it too unpalatable to shop there anymore.
Here's an example:
โฆa #StopCopCity hit list?!
#InspireBrands #DunkinDonuts #Delta #WaffleHouse #HomeDepot #GeorgiaPacific #Equifax #Carter #Accenture #WellsFargo #BankOfAmerica #MerrillLynch #ChickFilA #CocaCola #JayDavis #GasSouth #GeorgiaPacific #BrentScarborough #NorfolkSouthern #TonyRessler #AtlantaHawks #Rollins #AustinStephens #UPS
#StopCopCity #inspirebrands #dunkindonuts #delta #wafflehouse #HomeDepot #georgiapacific #equifax #carter #accenture #wellsfargo #bankofamerica #merrilllynch #chickfila #cocacola #jaydavis #gassouth #brentscarborough #norfolksouthern #tonyressler #atlantahawks #rollins #austinstephens #ups
@onychamaze I cheated and went to #HomeDepot and found multiple really mature #SnakePlant for $14.99 each so now theyโre more than waist high. Also Iโm pretty sure if you give them a larger pot, theyโll grown more to fill it out
"Corporations aren't evil"
Corporation - fires employee for stopping a child being kidnapped.
Home Depot actually stated that saving the child was the wrong thing to do.
#latestagecapitalism #capitalism #homedepot #fired #workersrights #employeerights
#latestagecapitalism #capitalism #HomeDepot #fired #workersrights #employeerights
Bernie Marcus is whining about people being lazy while Home Depot has tens of millions of dollars in taxes written off, all while having most of their job positions starting employees off at under $35k per year. Stupid geriatric. #HomeDepot
Always been a fan of hardware stores ๐
Yaaaaaaaassss the pants fit well hunnieeee ๐๐๐๐
#gay #gaymen #queer #queermen #bisexual #bisexualmen #butt #bubblebutt #homedepot #lowes #hardware #hardwarestore #sexy
#gay #gaymen #queer #queermen #bisexual #bisexualmen #butt #bubblebutt #HomeDepot #lowes #hardware #hardwarestore #sexy
Boycott Home Depot Calls After Founder Helped Block Student Debt Relief. #HomeDepot #boycott #StudentLoans #StudentLoanForgiveness
#HomeDepot #boycott #studentloans #Studentloanforgiveness
corps with >5000 employees in an anti-abortion state (ak al ga ky la mo ms nd oh) (E-Z):
#YumBrands (#KFC #PizzaHut #TacoBell)
#EnterpriseRentACar #equifax #hallmark #HomeDepot #lexmark #monsanto #ncr #OReillyAuto #panerabread #papajohns #porsche #purina #SARALeeBakery #Suntrust #texasroadhouse #toyota #tysonfoods #ups #walmart #yumbrands #kfc #pizzaHut #tacobell