This is my introductory toot
I am an academic :renal: doc at University of Cincinnati. Passionate about #AKI #Onconephrology and #HomeDialysis
Do follow me and we will enjoy the academic tooting on #Mastodon
#mastodon #MedMastodon #AcademicMastodon #academictoots #AKI #Onconephrology #HomeDialysis
Was hardenough to get the hang of the other one - not quite sure how this works but here goes ..everyone seems to start with an intro so I’ll do the same -I’m a #Nephrologist by serendipity (was training to be a hepatologist but fate)-I practice in the UK and have several hats
I lead one of the largest #HomeDialysis programmes in the #UK so it kind of figures that’s my passion - #homeisbest- my additional interests are #medicaleducation #EOLcare #predialysiecare #AKI #PatientAdvocacy
#Nephrologist #HomeDialysis #UK #homeisbest #medicaleducation #EOLcare #predialysiecare #AKI #PatientAdvocacy
nice piece on home hemodialysis in the @nytimes
#Nephrology #HomeDialysis