Homeworking sollte betrieblich geregelt sein
BAuA: Ohne betriebliche Vereinbarung steigt Risiko einer Entgrenzung der Arbeit
Auswertungen der BAuA-Arbeitszeitbefragung 2021 von rund 20.000 Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland zeigen: Über die Hälfte der Beschäftigten hat während der Pandemie zumindest teilweise von zuhause gearbeitet.
#BildungsSpiegel #Arbeitszeitreport #Homeworking #Homeoffice #BAuA
#BildungsSpiegel #arbeitszeitreport #HomeWorking #homeoffice #baua
It's on days when I'm sat in my office, listening to Napalm Death and working away that I remember I actually quite like my job. #homeworking
I’m slightly further away from my desk than is optimal, but really, what choice do I have? #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #HomeWorking
#HomeWorking #catsofmastodon #cats
I'm a big fan of online meetings in general (comfy chair! blanket! not going outside in the cold! make my own lunch! easier international collaboration! minimise awkward small talk!) but today I've done seven hours of calls and have some more to go, and that is a lot of screen time.
#internet #zoom #HomeWorking #screentime
I should be working. But instead I’m going to make another cuppa and potter about on Mastodon. 😄
#HomeWorking #coffeetime #socialmedia #lazysunday
I just took delivery of a floor lamp to banish the January gloom in my north-facing #homeOffice, so I should look less like a troglodyte on my zoom calls. #deskSetUp #HomeWorking #WfH #winterBlues
#homeoffice #desksetup #HomeWorking #wfh #winterblues
That’s a potential trump card for employers still making the effort to facilitate flexible working options*, and a big recruitment & retention hazard for those who don’t.
*anyone who tries to tell me that #HomeWorking isn’t the sum total of flexible working gets blocked for ‘splaining. I don’t need lessons in the variety of #flexibleWorking. However, the fact is that #remoteWorking has been proven effective, and hugely popular, in a wide range of industries. That genie’s out of the bottle.
#HomeWorking #flexibleworking #remoteworking
Waking up for my commute to London, planning just to “put clothes on and leave”:
I might want to SHOWER
And also…. What am I going to wear? What attire is suitable? Do I have anything fit for both meeting colleagues and a 5 hour train ride?
Really enjoyed Russell Howard’s take on #WorkingFromHome | #HomeWorking
Today is going to be a conversation on Data Warehouse, 1£ Wednesday and half day in office #HomeWorking
Early start, just warmed up the heat pads for the kitties., logged into laptop and messaged the team. #HomeWorking
Getting the #FridayFeeling now. Quite miss the days when that meant leaving the office and hitting a few bars in Manchester, before rolling home with a kebab on the last tram.
Now it means walking 15 feet to the kitchen, grabbing a beer, and sitting in there instead.
#HomeWorking has its benefits but it does nothing for your social life.
Anyone have recommendations for a really comfortable office headset? My wife runs a lot of training sessions and is struggling with her plantronics headset pressing onto her ears. Can’t be a huge gamer style affair, needs to look ok for professional training. #headset #recommendations #homeWorking #imBadAtHashtags
#headset #recommendations #HomeWorking #imBadAtHashtags
Since #Covid struck, the number of economically inactive 50-64-year-olds who are has shot up by 375,000.
Employers need to make working indoor safe (ventilation!) and extend #homeworking An inclusive society is a richer and better society. #LongCovid https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/nov/02/i-cant-work-in-the-office-safely-the-over-50s-leaving-the-uk-labour-force?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
#LongCovid #HomeWorking #covid
L’anti-work movement: e se il problema fosse il mercato del lavoro e non chi rifiuta un lavoro?
Da quando è stato introdotto il Reddito di Cittadinanza, nel 2019, la risposta degli imprenditori italiani alla difficoltà di soddisfare la propria domanda di la
#PrimoPiano #diritti #homeworking #lavoro #redditodicittadinanza #’anti-workmovement
#redditodicittadinanza #lavoro #HomeWorking #diritti #primopiano
#Johnson wringing his hands over loss of rents for absentee landlords? Chinese, Arab, Russian and other oligarchs not getting value for their Londongrad investments? Too bad. Tories are playing a violin without a bow on this one.
If you can work from home, go on doing it. Only downside is if you are not unionised, have no solidarity, and thus are unable to assert your collective rights so employers can isolate you at home, pick you off one by one. Stay connected!
#johnson #tories #uk #HomeWorking
RT @CORDIS_EU: Homeworking has become the new normal – but what about the impact on our #Wellbeing?
Whether you’re employed or self-employed running a small business, #homeworking represents 2 realities with different opportunities – says EU-funded project.
👉 https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/436205-telework-versus-home-business-two-realities-different-opportunities?pk_campaign=RIB&pk_source=CORDIS&pk_medium=TW
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULawDataPubs/status/1519773328050896897
#Wellbeing #HomeWorking #SHWDay
Homeworking has become the new normal – but what about the impact on our #Wellbeing?
Whether you’re employed or self-employed running a small business, #homeworking represents 2 realities with different opportunities – says EU-funded project.
👉 https://europa.eu/!FntqKX
#Wellbeing #HomeWorking #SHWDay
#Rees-Mogg #HomeWorking #UK #Green_New_Deal
#Tories have no idea how to run a sustainable economy nor any commitment to our welfare. They want to return to pre-Corvid status quo i.e. restore vast inequalities and unsustainable economics. Sod that!
Economy must reform to survive. Green manufacturing is urgently required. Services/office work should exploit new comms technology and shift to home working where feasible.
Rees-Mogg is bloody clueless.
This failed Tory government has to go!
#tories #green_new_deal #uk #HomeWorking #rees