Reiche Ernte fürs Abendessen. 😅 Salat Blätter aus Balkonkasten und Hochbeet im Schattenhof. Wahnsinnige 9 Mini-Maulbeeren und 5 Walderdbeeren sind es, die ich dem lichten Schatten hier abgerungen habe. 😊
#Schattengarten #berlin #berlinstagram #homegrownfood #salat #salad #walderdbeeren #urbangardening #urbanesgärtnern #gardening #gärtnern #ernte #erdbeeren #selbstgezogen #hinterhof #hinterhofgarten #balkongarten #balconygarden #guerillagardening
#schattengarten #berlin #berlinstagram #HomegrownFood #salat #salad #walderdbeeren #urbangardening #urbanesgartnern #gardening #gartnern #ernte #erdbeeren #selbstgezogen #hinterhof #hinterhofgarten #balkongarten #balconygarden #guerillagardening
#HomegrownFood picks of the day:
➡️ @BRKitchenGarden - Advice on growing your own food in a small urban garden
➡️ @compost - Creating gardens and food by making compost at home
➡️ @cured_meats - Runs the server dedicated to home made food techniques (contains images of meat)
➡️ @Capheind - Gardening, plants and food, also hosts “Tea Jay’s Garden Podcast”
➡️ @tickfoot - Gardener & permaculture fan, tips & photos about growing your own food and maintaining your garden
First of the purple sprouting broccoli for this season. It's been 9 months since we last ate any PSB and it was delicious. #gardening #vegetablegarden #homegrownfood #foodsecurity #Selfsufficiency #selfsufficient #allotment
#gardening #vegetablegarden #HomegrownFood #foodsecurity #Selfsufficiency #selfsufficient #allotment
For #SixOnSaturday and #JanuaryJoy, here are fruits of the garden; Rangpur limes, tomatoes, hops, sour cherries, persimmons, and pears.
#HomegrownFood #gardensofmastodon #gardening #januaryjoy #sixonsaturday
Radishes from our garden. #HomegrownFood #vegetables #radishes
#HomegrownFood #vegetables #radishes
Oasis among monoculture crop fields.
This is the garden I created at our previous home, it was beautifully messy and a home to so much wildlife. This area is about half an acre and produced sufficient food for my little family, and I also ran a small CSA veg box business supplying vegetables, herbs and occasionally fruit to 20 families in the local area for 22 weeks a year.
#permaculture #VegetableGarden #RegenerativeAg #SmallScaleFarming #MarketGarden #HomegrownFood #RegenAg
#permaculture #vegetablegarden #regenerativeag #smallscalefarming #marketgarden #HomegrownFood #regenag
Oasis among monoculture crop fields.
This is the garden I created at our previous home, it was beautifully messy and a home to so much wildlife. This area is about half an acre and produced sufficient food for my little family, and I also ran a small CSA veg box business supplying vegetables, herbs and occasionally fruit to 20 families in the local area for 22 weeks a year.
#permaculture #VegetableGarden #RegenerativeAg #SmallScaleFarming #MarketGarden #HomegrownFood #RegenAg
#permaculture #vegetablegarden #regenerativeag #smallscalefarming #marketgarden #HomegrownFood #regenag
Tickfoot is a gardener and permaculture enthusiast who posts about growing your own food and maintaining a garden. You can follow at:
➡️ @tickfoot (contains pictures of homegrown food, vegetables etc)
Tickfoot has a website at
#TickFoot #Gardening #Gardener #Garden #Gardens #Permaculture #HomegrownFood #Food #FoodAndDrink #Environment #OffTheGrid #Plants #Flowers #Vegetables #Florespondence
#florespondence #vegetables #flowers #plants #offthegrid #environment #foodanddrink #food #HomegrownFood #permaculture #gardens #garden #gardener #gardening #tickfoot
Open Source Gardens connects gardeners all around the world and encourages the use of open source seeds and similar philosophies. You can follow at:
➡️ (main account, in English and German)
➡️ (videos)
➡️ @handwritten (blog)
Their website is at
#OpenSourceGardens #Gardening #Gardens #Plants #OpenSourceSeeds #Activism #Commons #Environment #FoodAndDrink #OffTheGrid #Solarpunk #Permaculture #DIY #Deutsch #HomeGrown #HomeGrownFood
#HomegrownFood #homegrown #deutsch #diy #permaculture #solarpunk #offthegrid #foodanddrink #environment #commons #activism #opensourceseeds #plants #gardens #gardening #opensourcegardens
Brussels Kitchen Garden posts advice on growing your own food in a small urban garden. You can follow at:
There's also a website at
#BrusselsKitchenGarden #Gardening #Garden #Gardens #GrowYourOwnFood #GrowYourOwn #HomeGrown #HomeGrownFood #Permaculture #OffTheGrid #Food #FoodAndDrink #Vegetables #Fruit #KitchenGarden #KitchenGardens #Brussels #Belgium #Belgian
#belgian #belgium #Brussels #KitchenGardens #kitchengarden #fruit #vegetables #foodanddrink #food #offthegrid #permaculture #HomegrownFood #homegrown #growyourown #growyourownfood #gardens #garden #gardening #BrusselsKitchenGarden
Troy the Gardener posts about gardening, plants and food, including lots of photos. You can follow at:
➡️ @Capheind
Troy also hosts the Tea Jay's Garden Podcast at
#TroyTheGardener #Gardening #Gardens #Garden #Gardeners #Gardener #Plants #Florespondence #Produce #Food #FoodAndDrink #Podcast #Podcasts #Podcasting #OffTheGrid #HomegrownFood
#HomegrownFood #offthegrid #podcasting #podcasts #podcast #foodanddrink #food #Produce #florespondence #plants #gardener #gardeners #garden #gardens #gardening #TroyTheGardener
what kinda food you can grow at home easily?
I think it would be smart to prepare for a food shortage.
#gardening #covid1984 #food #HomegrownFood
#gardening #covid1984 #food #HomegrownFood
Sibylle creates woollen yarn through handspinning, takes care of sheep, and also posts about knitting, gardening, food, and self-sufficiency. You can follow at:
➡️ @Sibylle (in English and German)
#Sibylle #Crafts #Deutsch #German #Animals #Knitting #Gardening #OffTheGrid #FoodAndDrink #Wool #HandSpinning #Spinning #FibreArts #FiberArts #Food #HomeGrownFood #Garden #SelfSufficiency #Sheep
#sheep #Selfsufficiency #garden #HomegrownFood #food #fiberarts #fibrearts #spinning #handspinning #wool #foodanddrink #offthegrid #gardening #knitting #animals #german #deutsch #crafts #Sibylle
Absinthe posts about home grown vegetables, flowers and other plants. You can follow at:
➡️ @absinthe
They also offer help to others who need advice on gardening.
#Absinthe #Plants #Flowers #Vegetables #Garden #Gardens #Gardening #Florespondence #Environment #Green #Food #FoodAndDrink #OffTheGrid #HomeGrown #HomeGrownFood
#HomegrownFood #homegrown #offthegrid #foodanddrink #food #green #environment #florespondence #gardening #gardens #garden #vegetables #flowers #plants #absinthe