How many of these studies need to be conducted? It’s the same study, same results, every single time. It doesn’t matter the region, country, or general makeup of the #poverty survivors participating, giving poor people cash without strings attached results in reduced poverty and improved quality of life for the entire community because #povertysurvivors are able to find a place to live, pay their bills, and pursue education, work, etc.
#homelessness #homeless #homesnothandcuffs #UBI #universalbasicincome
#poverty #povertysurvivors #Homelessness #homeless #homesnothandcuffs #ubi #UniversalBasicIncome
“Not only were the ruse and shooting needless, but they consummated months of the federal government’s counterproductive harassment, #criminalization, and prosecution of an Idaho family eking out survival while enduring #homelessness brought on by their #eviction at the onset of the #COVID19 pandemic” the lawyers wrote in a letter notifying the agencies of the lawsuit...The family was unable to find another rental and was told that the local emergency shelter options were full, according to the lawsuit. They subsequently moved into their two camper trailers despite no running water. The Roberts family then “moved across Southwest Idaho,” where they were constantly ticketed by law enforcement officers and told to “move on,” the lawsuit adds."
#PoliceBrutality #PovertySurvivors #Poverty #homeless #housingnothandcuffs
#Criminalization #Homelessness #eviction #COVID19 #policebrutality #povertysurvivors #poverty #homeless #housingnothandcuffs
"The way that all these countries are doing it is a values-based approach,” Tsemberis said. “They’re not doing the numbers first. They’re saying, look, we’re a #society that believes that everyone who lives here needs to have a decent place to live, needs to have #healthcare, needs to have #education. These are basic #humanrights of our social contract. That’s where they start from. And then they figure out how to make that happen with the budgets that they have.”
The #USA doesn’t have that consensus, Tsemberis said.
“This is why the politics come into it,” he said. “We have a society that says everyone’s on their own."
#society #healthcare #education #humanrights #usa #homeless #Homelessness #povertysurvivors #poverty
#Heat & #Homelessness (28 days of 43°+
@oldguy52 lucky they are. A family is more likely to need to live in it these days. #Homelessness
I'm not complaining about Australia sharing its wealth, I'm complaining about $ being taken from the destitute while parliament increases it pays, pensions, super, expenses (such as Ministers taking joy rides in military jets at our expense), furniture, food, alcohol etc etc and taxes, while we pay 100s of millions of taxpayer $ for fossils and they increase our out of pocket as well. . . . Distribution is out of whack. #poverty #homelessness #destitution
#poverty #Homelessness #destitution
A few apartment buildings are responsible for an outsized share of a cities' eviction rates. Study offers policymakers looking to prevent homelessness tools to target high-evicting landlords. The 100 most-evicting parcels account for over 1 in 6 evictions in Cleveland and 2 in 5 evictions in Fayetteville and Tucson.
#NICHDImpact #Housing #Eviction #Displacement #Homelessness #Apartments #Urban
#NICHDimpact #housing #eviction #displacement #Homelessness #apartments #urban
What would I do with a ton of money! 🤔 Hmmmm, not this. Guess it’s better than a 500 foot yacht, eh #JeffBezos ?
‘South Park’ creators revive the world’s worst — and most fun — restaurant
#JeffBezos #Homelessness #veterans #Hunger #mattstoneandtreyparker #southpark
Study links adverse birth outcomes to mothers’ recent toxic stressors (homelessness, IPV, incarceration of self/spouse, divorce, and illness/death of someone close), events that are higher for minority and low-income mothers.
#NICHDImpact #Birth #HealthDisparities #Homelessness #Incarceration #Mortality
#NICHDimpact #birth #healthdisparities #Homelessness #incarceration #Mortality
“The widespread contempt for the #poor, namely the black poor, is so pervasive in our media culture, an extrajudicial murder is turned into a harrowing tale of a vigilant “marine” saving the day without a second thought. Our anger should be directed not at those we see struggling on the streets, or some phantom social welfare state that’s just Too Nice. It should be directed to a system that clearly isn’t providing #housing, #healthcare and social systems for our most vulnerable. Let these systems of austerity and precarity be the subject of our outrage, not those suffering from its inevitable outcomes. “
#poor #housing #healthcare #homeless #Homelessness
" #Poverty and #homelessness is a policy choice, and yet privileged people always seem annoyed when the results of those choices interrupt their subway commutes."
"People will say that the murdered man was mentally ill—that screaming at subway passengers is a sign of serious psychiatric illness, and likely it is—but it’s also worth considering that screaming at people is the rational play when you live in a city where so many people ignore your physical existence."
#Homeless #Homelessness
People experiencing homelessness who spent even one night indoors one day in a week during Nashville’s winter months had higher health scores.
#NICHDimpact #Homelessness #housing #health
What the Hell Is San Diego’s Mayor Up To? - Neoliberal Bill Clinton joined with Republicans to usher in nearly a half century of a deliberate effort to dismantle the social safety net. Homeless crisis is another outcome. @dougporter506 #homelessness
Survey finds high level of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among people experiencing homelessness. Researchers recommend targeted education and involving widely trusted people in promoting vaccination.
#NICHDImpact #COVID19 #VaccineHesitancy #Homelessness #Vaccination
#NICHDimpact #COVID19 #vaccinehesitancy #Homelessness #vaccination
I saw a worker at #Chipotle throw away a burrito in mere seconds after a customer changed their mind. Meanwhile, many #homeless are begging for food outside. #atlanta #Homelessness #foodwaste #developedcountries
#chipotle #homeless #atlanta #Homelessness #foodwaste #developedcountries
Came across some shocking statistics about homelessness at work:
Between 2009 and 2019, homelessness increased by 169% in England, and rough sleeping by 39%.
But if that's not shocking enough, consider the impact homelessness has on life expectancy. Mean age of death for homeless men in the UK is 45.9 years and 41.6 years for women.
So much blood on Tory hands and yet no one seems to care.
#homeless #Homelessness #tories #ToryBritain
I was listening to a podcast this morning about sweeping encampments of unhoused people and how it negatively affects those being swept and does absolutely nothing to solve the problem of homelessness. It's just the government being cruel and inhumane to people who are already vulnerable and suffering.
#sweeps #homelessness #unhoused
#sweeps #Homelessness #Unhoused
I have attended church the majority of my life. I also spent a large chunk of it working or volunteering in the church. But now I feel closer to God, and more like I'm actively following God's call, when I'm serving meals to people who are unhoused than when I'm sitting in a worship service at church. I also jump out of bed to get ready to volunteer, but I have to convince myself to get up to go to church.
#church #Homelessness #unhoused #ministry
#church #Homelessness #Unhoused #ministry