A fire makes friends. #HomesforUkraine our guests tiny dog and our angry cat make peace for winter.
RT @CarolineLucas: So much for ‘Visas within 48 hours’
After 50 days the @ukhomeoffice made a decision on an 8-year-old Ukrainian refugee travelling with his mum. I've now been told it could take 10 working days just to hear from TLS Contact to collect his visa in Warsaw #HomesforUkraine #shameful
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1524852490218442753
So much for ‘Visas within 48 hours’
After 50 days the @ukhomeoffice made a decision on an 8-year-old Ukrainian refugee travelling with his mum. I've now been told it could take 10 working days just to hear from TLS Contact to collect his visa in Warsaw #HomesforUkraine #shameful
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1524666340266676224
RT @libdemdaisy: Bitterly disappointing that not one Home Office minister was present to hear MP's concerns about the #HomesForUkraine yesterday. As just one of my examples 👇shows, the system is a complete mess - the Govt needs to listen to what we're saying and fix it now.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/LNethsingha/status/1519789886831742976
Update: It now looks as though a Mum and 2-year-old son, who sent off their #HomesforUkraine visa application *33 days ago* have finally been told they can collect their visa
48 hours, we were told. It’s taken more than a month. The level of incompetence is staggering.
RT @CarolineLucas: Update: 30 days and counting. And this is a far from isolated case - I'm in touch with 15 constituents who still haven't heard about their #Ho…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1517518218306494464
Update: 30 days and counting. And this is a far from isolated case - I'm in touch with 15 constituents who still haven't heard about their #HomesforUkraine applications, most involving women and young children, some in immediate danger still in Ukraine #shameful #waivevisas
RT @CarolineLucas: Update: 23 days and counting: mum and 2-year-old running out of money in Warsaw and contemplating giving up and returning to Ukraine. Compl…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1516347180784791553
#HomesforUkraine #shameful #waivevisas
RT @CarolineLucas: Update: 23 days and counting: mum and 2-year-old running out of money in Warsaw and contemplating giving up and returning to Ukraine. Complete dereliction of duty of humanitarian responsibilities to support refugees fleeing war by @PritiPatel and Govt #HomesforUkraine #waivevisas
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1513845377648279554
Update: 23 days and counting: mum and 2-year-old running out of money in Warsaw and contemplating giving up and returning to Ukraine. Complete dereliction of duty of humanitarian responsibilities to support refugees fleeing war by @PritiPatel and Govt #HomesforUkraine #waivevisas
RT @CarolineLucas: Update: Now 20 days and counting… they’re still stuck in Warsaw waiting. Far from the 48-hour turnaround target Refugees Minister Lo…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1513799652151283713
RT @CarolineLucas: Update: Now 20 days and counting… they’re still stuck in Warsaw waiting. Far from the 48-hour turnaround target Refugees Minister Lord Harrington promised. To reiterate, this is a 2-year-old refugee travelling with his mum #SortItOut #HomesforUkraine #shambles #waivevisas
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1512921772039016457
#SortItOut #HomesforUkraine #shambles #waivevisas
Update: Now 20 days and counting… they’re still stuck in Warsaw waiting. Far from the 48-hour turnaround target Refugees Minister Lord Harrington promised. To reiterate, this is a 2-year-old refugee travelling with his mum #SortItOut #HomesforUkraine #shambles #waivevisas
RT @CarolineLucas: 12 days and counting for a 'super priority' visa application for a 2 year old Ukrainian child refugee. His mum now told she'll have to make…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1512723461025812484
#SortItOut #HomesforUkraine #shambles #waivevisas
Now 15 days and counting… Not quite the 48-hour turnaround target Refugees Minister Lord Harrington is promising. To reiterate, this is a 2-year-old refugee travelling with his mum #SortItOut #HomesforUkraine #shambles #waivevisas
RT @CarolineLucas: 12 days and counting for a 'super priority' visa application for a 2 year old Ukrainian child refugee. His mum now told she'll have to make an additional journey to Warsaw as visas c…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1511032736236150786
#SortItOut #HomesforUkraine #shambles #waivevisas