Zei ik al dat ik helemaal gek ben van de #AdvancedFlows van #Homey ? 😂
Van 6 in elkaar verstrengelde spaghetti-flows naar één overzichtelijk beeld 😍 . Ik mis alleen nog een zoomfunctie zodat je netjes in lijn kunt tekenen en toch alles op één beeld kan houden...
Gebruik gemaakt van #BlackFriday om Advanced Flows te bestellen voor mijn #Homey (early 2016) en boy, dat had ik al veel eerder moeten doen! 😍
#energiebeheer #ecolonomy #domotica #Homey #BlackFriday
I love how #HomeAssisitant is now so heavily focussed on #usability and ease of use! I switched from #Athom #Homey which was supposed to be the easiest way to get started with a #SmartHome, but I found home assistant to be easier to discover and add devices at least. Even automations aren't that difficult to use, and are much more powerful. To anyone who hasn't looked at home assistant in a year or so, please do have another go, it's so much better now!
#smarthome #Homey #Athom #usability #homeassisitant
I love how #HomeAssisitant is now so heavily focussed on #usability and ease of use! I switched from #Athom #Homey which was supposed to be the easiest way to get started with a #SmartHome, but I found home assistant to be easier to discover and add devices at least. Even automations aren't that difficult to use, and are much more powerful. To anyone who hasn't looked at home assistant in a year or so, please do have another go, it's so much better now!
#smarthome #Homey #Athom #usability #homeassisitant
@stephan324ppm @knirscher ich stelle mir gerade die Frage, wie so etwas wie eine Lösung mit dem Raspberry im Vergleich zu etwas wie Homey-Pro abschneidet. Homey kann aus dem Stand 7 Protokolle und ist mit 399 € um einen 100-er teurer als das aktuelle Raspberry.
Followerpower: bitte Boosten - vlt. hat ja jemand Erfahrung mit #SmartHome #Homey #Raspberry #ZigBee #Energiewende #StromSparen
#Smarthome #Homey #raspberry #zigbee #Energiewende #Stromsparen