Gary · @empiricism
265 followers · 1377 posts · Server

How many times? does a person have to be caught intentionally lying for that behaviour, to be considered as a personality disorder?

Context. , or on *social .

#altruism #HonestyHumility #friends #colleagues #media #PersonalityDifferences #personality #families #science #psychology #CooperativeAltruism

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
245 followers · 1190 posts · Server

This information will improve your health and therefore happiness. It will increase how long you live - if you act on it! (if you adapt your behaviors)

The context is our environments - Failure to protect and save the planet's life support systems that we depend upon - is neither an intelligent nor ethical decision. That should be obvious! That should be common sense! But it's not! - on average.

It should be as "clear as day" that inhaling is healthy. That should be a "no-brainer!" (to use a colloquialism) But it's not! - on average.

What follows is a "snapshot" of the scientific consensus - the research paper's words are in quotation marks ". This is the information that many people don't want to hear about. The information that the polluting industries never talk about (they don't want you to know about because they make profits out of your ignorance)

What does the research say about the effects of Air \ traffic pollution? "The central nervous system is emerging as an important target for adverse [damaging] health effects of air pollution" (Costa et al., 2017 - see references section at the end of this toot for weblinks to the research papers)

"In particular, air pollution is emerging as a possible etiological factor in neurodevelopmental (e.g. autism spectrum disorders) and neurodegenerative (e.g. Alzheimer's disease) disorders. The most prominent effects caused by air pollution in both [human] animals and ]non-human] animals are oxidative stress and neuro-inflammation (Costa et al., 2017)

Air pollution negatively ("badly") affects the functioning of your brain! (Newbury et al. 2021).

Air pollution damages your respiratory system. Your breathing capacity, your lungs! (Samek, 2016)

"Overall human mortality [death] and morbidity [disease] due to exposure to air pollution.......Epidemiological studies have shown an increased respiratory morbidity and mortality as a consequence of exposure to air pollution" (Samek, 2016)

"studies reported that a 10μg/m3 increase in long-term exposure to PM2.5 was associated with an 11% increase in cardiovascular mortality (Brook, 2008). Air pollution negatively ("badly") affects the cardiovascular system (e.g., your heart)

Truth - Inhaling air pollution quickens the onset of dying a painful death!

Smoking quickens the onset of dying a painful death! (dying younger)

I wear an anti-air pollution face mask as soon as I detect air pollution. That is the sensible thing to do. And yet - how many adults will say I'm the stupid one? (I've met quite a few)

What does it mean when scientists such as myself - spend decades posting research about the health hazards of air pollution - and yet - the average person is walking, etc, about in air-polluted environments - and are oblivious to the fact that they are inhaling air pollutants - what does that mean?

By definition, ignorance is not aware of what its ignorant of.

When billions of individuals are ignorant, apathetic, or simply uncaring about something that is harming themselves and the environment - what do we call that?

What happened to the idea of common sense?

This is why I am disgusted about the behaviors of the fuel industries. And why you will be too - if you're an ethical person. In other words, a good person.

The fuel industries are evidently owned by irresponsible, but rich, adults. In other words, "filthy rich" . Their industries are polluting businesses and they don't like to talk about it. Quite the opposite - they are the greenwashers

Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation (Published Jun 29, 2015) <<< more facts that the average person simply doesn't want to know!

Something about their fuel-burning behaviors? "Maybe" that is why so many adults go "climate blah blah blah!" (not that they'd admit it) is a real virtue.

"blah blah blah" is what liars do!

FYI - how does Putin predominantly fund his Wars? and

If decent folk don't get "it" after reading this - I don't know if they ever will!

Of course - many people have to be ungreenwashed and informed to "get it". So, Please boost and show you care!

Reference section - Scientific \ medical research.

Costa, L. G., Cole, T. B., Coburn, J., Chang, Y. C., Dao, K., & Roqué, P. J. (2017). Neurotoxicity of traffic-related air pollution. NeuroToxicology, 59, 133–139.

Newbury, J., Stewart, R., Fisher, H., Beevers, S., Dajnak, D., Broadbent, M., . . . Bakolis, I. (2021). Association between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders: Retrospective cohort study. The British Journal of Psychiatry.

Rayroux, C., Gasche-Soccal, P., & Janssens, J. P. (2020). Air pollution and its impact on the respiratory system. Revue Medicale Suisse.

Samek, L. (2016). Overall human mortality
and morbidity due to exposure
to air pollution. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 29(3), 417–426.

need clean air too!
need clean air too!
needs clear air too!
Doing is healthier in clean-air environments.

Clean Air

There is no such thing as - 20% less smoke, etc, is more smoke if 21% more people burn it.


#denial #ecocide #fraud #criminals #HonestyHumility #climate #naturalgas #fossilfuels #smokeless #fuel #EcoWoodStoves #airpollution #arrogance #oligarchs #greenwash #climatecrisis #cleanair #ignorance #deception #propaganda #dog #wildlife #art #tech #technology #liars #extinction #cat #cats #dogs

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
245 followers · 1188 posts · Server

This information will improve your health and therefore happiness. It will increase how long you live - if you act on it! (if you adapt your behaviors)

The context is our environments - Failure to protect and save the planet's life support systems that we depend upon - is neither an intelligent nor ethical decision. That should be obvious! That should be common sense! But it's not! - on average.

It should be as "clear as day" that inhaling is healthy. That should be a "no-brainer!" (to use a colloquialism) But it's not! - on average.

What follows is a "snapshot" of the scientific consensus - the research paper's words are in quotation marks ". This is the information that many people don't want to hear about. The information that the polluting industries never talk about (they don't want you to know about because they make profits out of your ignorance)

What does the research say about the effects of Air \ traffic pollution? "The central nervous system is emerging as an important target for adverse [damaging] health effects of air pollution" (Costa et al., 2017 - see references section at the end of this toot for weblinks to the research papers)

"In particular, air pollution is emerging as a possible etiological factor in neurodevelopmental (e.g. autism spectrum disorders) and neurodegenerative (e.g. Alzheimer's disease) disorders. The most prominent effects caused by air pollution in both [human] animals and ]non-human] animals are oxidative stress and neuro-inflammation (Costa et al., 2017)

Air pollution negatively ("badly") affects the functioning of your brain! (Newbury et al. 2021).

Air pollution damages your respiratory system. Your breathing capacity, your lungs! (Samek, 2016)

"Overall human mortality [death] and morbidity [disease] due to exposure to air pollution.......Epidemiological studies have shown an increased respiratory morbidity and mortality as a consequence of exposure to air pollution" (Samek, 2016)

"studies reported that a 10μg/m3 increase in long-term exposure to PM2.5 was associated with an 11% increase in cardiovascular mortality (Brook, 2008). Air pollution negatively ("badly") affects the cardiovascular system (e.g., your heart)

Truth - Inhaling air pollution quickens the onset of dying a painful death!

Smoking quickens the onset of dying a painful death! (dying younger)

I wear an anti-air pollution face mask as soon as I detect air pollution. That is the sensible thing to do. And yet - how many adults will say I'm the stupid one? (I've met quite a few)

What does it mean when scientists such as myself - spend decades posting research about the health hazards of air pollution - and yet - the average person is walking, etc, about in air-polluted environments - and are oblivious to the fact that they are inhaling air pollutants - what does that mean?

By definition, ignorance is not aware of what its ignorant of.

When billions of individuals are ignorant, apathetic, or simply uncaring about something that is harming themselves and the environment - what do we call that?

What happened to the idea of common sense?

This is why I am disgusted about the behaviors of the fuel industries. And why you will be too - if you're an ethical person. In other words, a good person.

The fuel industries are evidently owned by irresponsible, but rich, adults. In other words, "filthy rich" . Their industries are polluting businesses and they don't like to talk about it. Quite the opposite - they are the greenwashers

Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation (Published Jun 29, 2015) <<< more facts that the average person simply doesn't want to know!

Something about their fuel-burning behaviors? "Maybe" that is why so many adults go "climate blah blah blah!" (not that they'd admit it) is a real virtue.

"blah blah blah" is what lairs do!

FYI - how does Putin predominantly fund his Wars? and

If decent folk don't get "it" after reading this - I don't know if they ever will!

Of course - many people have to be ungreenwashed and informed to "get it". So, Please boost and show you care!

Reference section - Scientific \ medical research.

Costa, L. G., Cole, T. B., Coburn, J., Chang, Y. C., Dao, K., & Roqué, P. J. (2017). Neurotoxicity of traffic-related air pollution. NeuroToxicology, 59, 133–139.

Newbury, J., Stewart, R., Fisher, H., Beevers, S., Dajnak, D., Broadbent, M., . . . Bakolis, I. (2021). Association between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders: Retrospective cohort study. The British Journal of Psychiatry.

Rayroux, C., Gasche-Soccal, P., & Janssens, J. P. (2020). Air pollution and its impact on the respiratory system. Revue Medicale Suisse.

Samek, L. (2016). Overall human mortality
and morbidity due to exposure
to air pollution. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 29(3), 417–426.

need clean air too!
need clean air too!
needs clear air too!
Doing is healthier in clean-air environments.

Clean Air

There is no such thing as - 20% less smoke, etc, is more smoke if 21% more people burn it.


#cleanair #airpollution #arrogance #fraud #liars #climate #propaganda #greenwash #climatecrisis #extinction #ecocide #ignorance #denial #naturalgas #fossilfuels #oligarchs #deception #criminals #HonestyHumility #cat #cats #dog #dogs #wildlife #art #tech #technology #smokeless #fuel #EcoWoodStoves

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
229 followers · 1052 posts · Server

Let's face it - some people are simply horrible human beings. But, they don't perceive it that way.

The best way to protect yourself and those you care about from the "rotten eggs", is to inoculate yourself - boost your psychological immunity against their "rotten" personality disorders.

"Gaslighting can be more effective and successful than many people imagine. Almost anyone can be susceptible to gaslighting tactics, which have been deployed throughout history, and continue to be used today, by domestic abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders."

"The H Factor of Personality explores the importance of the Honesty-Humility (H) dimension of personality in various aspects of people's lives".

#science #personality #HEXACO #HonestyHumility #gaslighting #domesticviolence #abusers #dictators #narcissists #cult #psychology

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
196 followers · 805 posts · Server

Imagine the cultural effect if "leaders" were selected according to their Honesty-Humility personality characteristics.

Research papers title: Pillars of cooperation: Honesty–Humility, social value orientations, and economic behavior.

"individuals low in Honesty–Humility made more selfish decisions and only shifted towards a more fair allocation whenever the other was empowered to punish defection.

Those high in Honesty–Humility, on the other hand, displayed a stable tendency for choosing a more fair solution – even when they could have defected without fearing consequences."

In summary - people that have higher levels of Honesty-Humility make better "leaders". Problem is - people with higher levels of Honesty-Humility are more inclined to not seek social status. This partly explains why dishonesty, corruption, and unethical agendas are often associated with leadership (e.g., the oligarchs & their associated fuel industries)

#psychology #socialpsychology #science #PersonalityDifferences #ethics #sociopolitics #HonestyHumility #sociology

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
196 followers · 805 posts · Server

Imagine the cultural effect if "leaders" were selected according to their Honesty-Humility personality characteristics.

Research papers title: Pillars of cooperation: Honesty–Humility, social value orientations, and economic behavior.

"individuals low in Honesty–Humility made more selfish decisions and only shifted towards a more fair allocation whenever the other was empowered to punish defection.

Those high in Honesty–Humility, on the other hand, displayed a stable tendency for choosing a more fair solution – even when they could have defected without fearing consequences."

In summary - people that have higher levels of Honesty-Humility make better "leaders". Problem is - people with higher levels of Honesty-Humility are more inclined to not seek social status. This partly explains why dishonesty, corruption, and unethical agendas are often associated with leadership (e.g., the oligarchs & their associated fuel industries)

#sociology #science #sociopolitics #psychology #socialpsychology #PersonalityDifferences #ethics #HonestyHumility

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
196 followers · 795 posts · Server

This toot is for the people that have studied the science of evolutionary biology & the science of psychology + have personality types with a higher than average level of Honesty-Humility.

Objectively, race doesn't exist (period). To clarify, people can believe in ideas that shape their perceptions of reality - however, those ideas can be illusionary & not be based on any objective qualities. As a more neutral example, children can believe in tooth fairies because..... etc

Subjectively, racism does exist in the forms of beliefs that cause racists views. And of course, people experience the affects of the people that believe in race.

Subjectively, the terms "race" or "racism" evoke a wide variance of emotions, beliefs, cognitive biases, etc, in some people.

However, the fact that race is a subjective social construct therefore not an objective reality - means that the ideas associated with race being "real" are all forms of ignorant social psychology. To reiterate, racist people are real - but their ideas are based on ignorance because race isn't a real biological variable.

The answer to mitigate racism is education of evolutionary biology. However, that's an answer that many will not accommodate because it's evolutionary.

#science #psychology #HonestyHumility #evolutionarypsychology #socialpsychology #ignorance #racism #evolutionarybiology #cognitivepsychology #cognitivebias #prejudice #race #tribalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
196 followers · 795 posts · Server

This toot is for the people that have studied the science of evolutionary biology & the science of psychology + have personality types with a higher than average level of Honesty-Humility.

Objectively, race doesn't exist (period). To clarify, people can believe in ideas that shape their perceptions of reality - however, those ideas can be illusionary & not be based on any objective qualities. As a more neutral example, children can believe in tooth fairies because..... etc

Subjectively, racism does exist in the forms of beliefs that cause racists views. And of course, people experience the affects of the people that believe in race.

Subjectively, the terms "race" or "racism" evoke a wide variance of emotions, beliefs, cognitive biases, etc, in some people.

However, the fact that race is a subjective social construct therefore not an objective reality - means that the ideas associated with race being "real" are all forms of ignorant social psychology. To reiterate, racist people are real - but their ideas are based on ignorance because race isn't a real biological variable.

The answer to mitigate racism is education of evolutionary biology. However, that's an answer that many will not accommodate because it's evolutionary.

#cognitivepsychology #socialpsychology #ignorance #psychology #science #HonestyHumility #evolutionarypsychology #evolutionarybiology #cognitivebias #prejudice #race #racism #tribalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
80 followers · 480 posts · Server

MPs owe us the truth.

Politicians are people. As such they have varying personalities. of personality differences

Politicians have personal agendas. For example, shares in a business (industry). If those personal agendas don't align with the public's interests, some, not all, politicians lie & use misdirection.

Help to keep politicians honest. Fact check them!

#disinformation #misinformation #greenwash #HonestyHumility #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
80 followers · 480 posts · Server

MPs owe us the truth.

Politicians are people. As such they have varying personalities. of personality differences

Politicians have personal agendas. For example, shares in a business (industry). If those personal agendas don't align with the public's interests, some, not all, politicians lie & use misdirection.

Help to keep politicians honest. Fact check them!

#disinformatiom #misinformation #greenwash #HonestyHumility #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
80 followers · 480 posts · Server

MPs owe us the truth.

Politicians are people. As such they have varying personalities. of personality differences

Politicians have personal agendas. For example, shares in a business (industry). If those personal agendas don't align with the public's interests, some, not all, politicians lie & use misdirection.

Help to keep politicians honest? Fact check them!

#disinformatiom #misinformation #greenwash #HonestyHumility #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
80 followers · 480 posts · Server

MPs owe us the truth.

Politicians are people. As such they have varying personalities. of personality differences

Politicians have personal agendas. For example, shares in a business (industry). If those personal agendas don't align with the electorate's (people's) interest's, some, not all, politicians lie & use misdirection.

Help to keep politicians honest? Fact check them!

#greenwash #disinformatiom #misinformation #HonestyHumility #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
74 followers · 447 posts · Server


As someone that has been recently developing a research methodology based on an online questionnaire, I've noticed a small issue with your data collection methodology.

"if you're in the U.S"

It may come as no surprise that there are some people online that don't generally follow an honesty policy. doesn't seem to be

However, this isn't , so I assume the poll result will be comparably less than useless.

#twitter #trending #HonestyHumility

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
35 followers · 345 posts · Server


Agreed. As l know you (already) know.

Disinformation = People that intentionally - "toot", " tweet", "post", " blah" "say", etc, misleading information. being one, all too common, example.

A common motivator (self excuses. I.e., unethical reason) why some people intentionally lie is:

Coin! () & or . For example, business & politics.

Of course, many people value honesty. # The Science of personality differences

Envy is

#ugly #HonestyHumility #SocialStatus #money #greenwash

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
35 followers · 339 posts · Server

to all

Within the context of your area of expertise.

Please spend some time fact checking the social network "science" *toots*

And "reply" and explain any errors or misunderstandings

Report fake "science" toots to the & science

please reach out - if more help is needed fact checking "reports". Many scientists will be happy to apply their knowledge - mitigate misinformation.


#fake #HonestyHumility #science #admins #scicomm #mustodon #feviderse #scientists #real #toot

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
35 followers · 339 posts · Server

to all

Within the context of your area of expertise.

Please spend some time fact checking the social network "science" *toots*

And reply and explain any errors or misunderstandings.

Report fake "science" toots to the & science

please reach - if more help is needed fact checking "reports". Many scientists will be happy to apply their knowledge - mitigate misinformation.


#fake #HonestyHumility #science #admins #scicomm #mustodon #feviderse #scientists #real #toot

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
35 followers · 339 posts · Server

to all

Within the context of your area of expertise.

Please spend some time fact checking the social network "science" *toots*

And reply and explain any errors or misunderstandings.

Report fake "science" toots to the & science

please reach out if more help is needed fact checking "reports". Many scientists will be happy to apply their knowledge - mitigate misinformation.


#fake #HonestyHumility #science #admins #scicomm #mustodon #feviderse #scientists #real #toot

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
35 followers · 336 posts · Server

to all

Within the context of your area of expertise.

Please spend some time fact checking the social network "science" *toots*

And reply and explain any errors or misunderstandings.

Report fake "science" toots to the

please reach out if more help is needed fact checking "reports". Many scientists will be happy to apply their knowledge - mitigate misinformation.


#fake #HonestyHumility #science #admins #scicomm #mustodon #feviderse #scientists #real #toot

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
35 followers · 332 posts · Server

How does work?

The 302 *making sense* podcast - makes sense. It demarcates the science from the nonscience, nonsense & fraud.

Making Sense with Sam Harris & Neil
Degrasse Tyson: #302 — Science & Civilization

Episode webpage:

Media file:

#sciencecommunication #HonestyHumility #epistemology #philosophy #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Empiricism
35 followers · 332 posts · Server

How does work?

The 302 *making sense* podcast - makes sense. It demarcates the science from the nonscience, nonsense & fraud.

Making Sense with Sam Harris & Neil
Degrasse Tyson: #302 — Science & Civilization

Episode webpage:

Media file:

#HonestyHumility #epistemology #philosophyofscience #science

Last updated 2 years ago