This is staggeringly surreal, massively bile inducing horror whilst being devastatingly funny. This thread should be on the school curriculum.
#ukpolitics #boris #nadineDorries #honourslist
#HonoursList #nadinedorries #boris #ukpolitics
Boris Johnson's Rise and Fall Has Perfectly Exposed Britain's Broken Political Culture – Byline Times
#johnson #ukpolitics #politicalculture #brexit #BritishPoliticalSystem #britishpolitics #classism #ClassDeference #PublicSchools #privateschools #privateschool #press #access #patronage #media #ReesMogg #dorries #downingstreet #HonoursList #privilegescommittee #bbc #dailymail
I was hoping to neutralise the rising vomit in my mouth following the honours list with the solidarity afforded from reading bitingly incisive vitriol here. But at a quick glance, it's relatively quiet. In terms of vitriol.
The landowners are congratulating themselves in the midst of the potato famine they wanted. In front of us.
Sir Rees Mogg? Dame Patel?
Something's got to give.
#Corruption #borisjohnson #HonoursList #ukpolitics
Patrick Blower on #RishiSunak #BorisJohnson #HonoursList - political cartoon gallery in London
#rishisunak #BorisJohnson #HonoursList
If he recognises them in the Honours List he'll have to pay child maintenance
A love of Shakespeare is one reason to accept an honour. What’s everyone else’s excuse?
#markrylance #BorisJohnson #HonoursList #catherinebennett