Mit den #NexiGo lässt es sich auch im Handheld Modus super spielen, am TV nutze ich einen #8Bitdo Arcade Stick🕹
Habe aber #Sanwa buttons und einen #Seimitsu Stick eingebaut🤙
Player 2 bekommt einen #Hori #Rap4 über Adapter (im Bild ein Adapter für #PcEngine Mini, habe aber auch einen für die #NintendoSwitch)🕹🕹
#nexigo #8bitdo #sanwa #seimitsu #Hori #rap4 #pcengine #nintendoswitch
@Muskelsmurf @theretrosven
Well, I hate the #NintendoSwitch #joycons too. They are good for casual games if you like to wipe through the air😉 But for the real action stuff you need a D pad. The #Hori was a good start but lacks a battery so it won,'t work on a #FlipGrip. I am happy with my #NexiGo now 🤗 It feels like a real controller🤙
The lite fits much better in any pocket but I use tate mode quite often🕹
#nintendoswitch #joycons #Hori #flipgrip #nexigo
RT @HorizonMagEU: The evidence is now unequivocal that the #ClimateChange we’re witnessing is entirely human-made, says #IPCC co-chair, Professor Hans-Otto Pörtner in an exclusive interview with Horizon Magazine ahead of #COP27.
#ClimateChange #IPCC #COP27 #Hori
RT @JGuerrier_EU: 📢Have your say on the Horizon evaluations, the 4⃣week consultation was launched last Friday!🚀
See the links below to provide your feedback!💪
🔗Horizon 2020: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13444-Horizon-2020-programme-final-evaluation_en
🔗Horizon Europe: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13460-Horizon-Europe-interim-evaluation_en