#Australia & beyond: If you're willing/able...
"#HospoVoice members from #DinnerByHeston occupied the foyer of #CrownTowers today, stepping up our demand that Crown take responsibility for the $4.5 million stolen from workers."
"Help us hold them to account. Chip in to our fighting fund here:
#HospoVoice #DinnerByHeston #CrownTowers #solidarity #workersrights #australia #wagetheft
#CrownResorts: Pay #DinnerByHeston Workers
https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/crown-dinner-by-heston-workers via #MegaphoneAU
"It’s time for Crown to step up and take responsibility by ensuring that #HospoVoice members get their stolen wages and entitlements and that members on temporary visas are sponsored."
#crownresorts #DinnerByHeston #MegaphoneAU #HospoVoice #workersrights #CrownMelbourne #australia #solidarity