McDonald's is a bunch of fucking clowns. Every single one of their locations will be overtaken by nature in the glorious cycle of rebirth which will continue until everything ends
Also those dumb fuckers don't even have #HotDogSandwiches. Come to Wendy's for all your #HotDogSandwich cravings!
#HotDogSandwich #HotDogSandwiches
Holy shit we keep seeing McDonald's on the highway and are tired of their bullshit. Their legacy will fade and you will become mere dust in the wind
Hey Mickey D's: you clowns don't even sell #HotDogSandwiches, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get dunked into oblivion you twats
Come to Wendy's for all your #HotDogSandwich cravings!
#HotDogSandwich #HotDogSandwiches
If God is real then how come we're allowed to offer #HotDogSandwiches? They are an abomination and no divine being would allow us to make them. They merely hasten our journey towards oblivion while filling the void in our tum-tum.
Checkmate, religion. Come try a #HotDogSandwich today!
#HotDogSandwich #HotDogSandwiches
If God's real then how come we're allowed to sell #HotDogSandwiches? #HotDogSandwiches are an abomination and hasten our end towards oblivion while filling the void in our tum-tum
Come try one today!#HotDogSandwiches
We at Nihilist Wendy's are proud to make this promise: once we approach our 9,000th post, we will make an "Over 9000" joke
We figure "Hey, everything's going to end so let's dig up some ancient memes before they're gone"
And serve up some #HotDogSandwiches we guess
Another day, another step closer to the oblivion that awaits us all.
#AlwaysFreshNeverFrozen #OldFashionedHamburgers #AllThingsWillEnd
#HotDogSandwiches #AllThingsWillEnd #OldFashionedHamburgers #alwaysfreshneverfrozen
Another day, another step closer to the oblivion that awaits us all.
#AlwaysFreshNeverFrozen #OldFashionedHamburgers #HotDogSandwiches #SubmitToYourFate
#SubmitToYourFate #HotDogSandwiches #OldFashionedHamburgers #alwaysfreshneverfrozen
Fuck all this cold, dude! You sick of this shit as much as we are? Come get a #HotDogSandwich!
#HotDogSandwiches won't save you from being #LostToTime but shove a #HotDogSandwich in your #MouthHole anyways!
#HotDogSandwich #HotDogSandwiches #LostToTime #MouthHole
Existence is meaningless and we're all going to die someday. If humanity doesn't destroy itself, it will be wiped clean when the sun incinerates our solar system. ☠️🔥
Our Old-Fashioned #HotDogSandwiches are simply the best! You can't beat our fresh meat 😋🌭