Azul Buho · @azulbuho
68 followers · 269 posts · Server

It's odd how voices stick in your head, intit. I heard that song, and I was sure I recognised the singer, but I couldn't immediately place it.

And then it struck me. It was , who did another I love - .

#MoreThanChristmas #CarolineSpence #song #HotelAmarillo

Last updated 2 years ago

Azul Buho · @azulbuho
68 followers · 269 posts · Server

It's odd how voices stick in your head, intit. I heard that song, and I was sure I recognised the singer, but I couldn't immediately place it.

And then it struck me. It was , who did another I love - .

#MoreThanChristmas #CarolineSpence #song #HotelAmarillo

Last updated 2 years ago