Im watching the whole of #HouseMD from the beginning.
Currently on S2
Thoroughly enjoyable although the plot never varies
1. Mysterious presentation
2. Team randomly suggest possible diagnoses
3. Order lots of tests
4. Try cure - nearly kills patient
5. More random suggestions
6. More tests
7. Find out new material fact - another round of random guesses - chose one.
8. Definitive treatment
9. Discharge
Add sexual chemistry, board room edicts, more sexual chemistry, lovely Dr Wilson.
➡️1. My little pony friendship is magic.
➡️2. Disenchantment.
➡️3. Sandman.
➡️4. Tuca and Bertie
➡️5. House M.D.
➡️6. Monk.
➡️7. Bluey.
#7tvshowsknowntome #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #disenchantment #sandman #tucaandbertie #HouseMD #monk #bluey #tvshows
Today we celebrate the anniversary of the show #HouseMD! #HouseMDday #November16th2004
#HouseMD #housemdday #november16th2004
Home alone. Dat betekent banken en buizen. #HouseMD op tv. Onesie aan en met een colatje op de bank.
#怪醫豪斯 的編劇顧問在報紙上的專欄改編, 展示了很多奇怪的病症, 以及全球的讀者如何提出各式推測, 協助病患確診或是改善病患的狀況
感想 : 看了夠多醫生但沒有確診, 真的會讓人對醫學產生不信任感, 所以首抽很重要 (?!)
#HouseMD #crowdsourcing #怪醫豪斯 #全民會診室