Another newbie 🪴 a Crassula marnieriana or Jade necklace
#succulents #HousePlants #HousePlantsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfMastodon #crassula #CrassulaMarnieriana #JadeNecklace
#succulents #HousePlants #houseplantsofmastodon #succulentsofmastodon #crassula #crassulamarnieriana #jadenecklace
Even my cacti think it's too hot today 🥵🌵
#cacti #succulents #HousePlants #heatwave
#cacti #succulents #HousePlants #heatwave
New succulent :) a Graptoveria ‘Silver Star’
#succulents #HousePlants #HousePlantsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfMastodon #Graptoveria
#succulents #HousePlants #houseplantsofmastodon #succulentsofmastodon #graptoveria
It's amazing how fast these pups have grown! :ameowalternate: #HouseplantsOfMastodon #PileaPeperomioides #pilea #leaves #houseplants
#houseplantsofmastodon #pileapeperomioides #pilea #Leaves #HousePlants
What if the beautiful plants in your home could also become a part of your health routine? Visit and find out more.
#gardening #indoorgarden #houseplants #healthbenefits #healthyliving
#Gardening #indoorgarden #HousePlants #healthbenefits #healthyliving
Made an exploratory trip to a local chain hardware store that had previously had a good selection of houseplant cache pots and an okay selection of houseplants. This time they had an out of control great selection of houseplants, including several aroids I've never even heard of before. ("Pink birkin"?? But it looks very dark and unexpectedly variegated, almost like a pink princess with a birkin growth habit)
I've never been particularly excited about Monstera karstenianum because they always look a little like they're suffering from some sort of nutrient deficiency to me, but this place had a big beautiful specimen I couldn't resist.
#philodendron #monstera #aroids #HousePlants
#philodendron #monstera #aroids #HousePlants
I spent the day repotting some plants that were in desperate need of some love, and cleaning and rearranging my shelves.
The house feels a bit more cheerful now, and I managed to avoid spending much time on my phone, which I'm really wanting to create a healthier relationship with.
I did forget to eat, though. Can't win them all. 🤷♀️
#plantstodon #HousePlants #AuDHD #ADHDer #ActuallyAutistic #SpecialInterest #ExecutivesFunctioning
#plantstodon #HousePlants #AuDHD #ADHDer #actuallyautistic #SpecialInterest #executivesfunctioning
Alright, time to revisit the intro message!
I'm located near Portland, OR in the PDX. I'm an infosec technical editor/writer by day, and a massive plant nerd by night.
I've been collecting aroids off and on since the early 00s. I'm beyond stoked that they're becoming so easily accessible today (even if they're still weirdly overpriced in some instances).
Outdoors, my spouse and I are growing a food forest and specializing in foods/plants native to our area. We're slowly turning an acre into a lovely orchard/salad bar.
We've got chickens/goats/sheep plus 3 cats and 3 tortoises. All this is to say we're creating our own little neurospicy disneyland/happiest place on earth.
Still very much taking Covid seriously, even though that's becoming a hella lonely proposition. We're both high risk and not keen on getting any more health issues than we've already got.
#NEISVoid #CovidIsNotOver #HousePlants #Aroids #MECFS #MCAS #POTS
#NEISVoid #CovidIsNotOver #HousePlants #aroids #MECFS #MCAS #POTS
I'm #autistic with #ADHD and #PTSD. Also #depression and #anxiety. Self-diagnosed. And let's throw #perimenopause into the mix. Doing my best to cope.
Wish to get diagnosed but there's no easy way and I just get overwhelmed and frustrated by the options, or the lack thereof.
The number of people who get me irl: 1. 🙃 I'm happily married to him, 17 years and counting. No kids, no pets. Just plants.
I'm a #POC in an #interracial marriage. We're both heathens.
I like #photography, #travel, #crochet, #baking, #houseplants, British crime dramas, and Oxford comma.
Nice to meet you!
#Autistic #adhd #PTSD #depression #anxiety #perimenopause #POC #interracial #photography #travel #crochet #baking #HousePlants #introduction
I'm #autistic with #ADHD and #PTSD. Also #depression and #anxiety. Self-diagnosed. And let's throw perimenopause into the mix. Doing my best to cope.
Wish to get diagnosed but there's no easy way and I just get overwhelmed and frustrated by the lack of options.
The number of people who get me irl: 1. 🙃 I'm happily married to him, 17 years and counting. No kids, no pets. Just plants.
I like #photography, #travel, #crochet, #baking, #houseplants, British crime dramas, and Oxford comma.
Nice to meet you!
#Autistic #adhd #PTSD #depression #anxiety #photography #travel #crochet #baking #HousePlants #introduction
I'm #autistic with #ADHD and a side of #PTSD. Self-diagnosed. Doing my best to cope.
Wish to get diagnosed but there's no easy way and I just get overwhelmed and frustrated by the lack of options.
The number of people who get me irl: 1. 🙃
I like #photography, #travel, #crochet, #baking, #houseplants, British crime dramas, and Oxford comma.
Nice to meet you!
#Autistic #adhd #PTSD #photography #travel #crochet #baking #HousePlants #introduction
Keeping it green: 9 Air-purifying #houseplants for your living room