While everyone is celebrating the in WA-03rd district and laughing because the never happened, a candidate who is far more right wing than her education would imply, was elected because she was the obvious saner choice versus rabid defender & election denier, the groyper Nazi Joe Kent.

Perez's problem comes about precisely because she comes from SW Washington, a place with deeply corrupt local politicians that she has had to hitch her wagon to in order not to be shut out. But some of these motherfuckers really need to go. Take Dennis Weber, the pigfucker piece of shit Cowlitz County Commissioner who personally commented regarding the unlawful detention of minors for years on end that it would "help underwrite the costs of the facility" (KUOW).

In October, Perez demonstrated that she is indeed comfortable around fascists like Weber, in a pretty goddamn gross display of amicable relations. This kinda shit is why I don't like Perez, as much as dunking on Kent is fun. Dennis fucking Weber is the commissioner who got the Cowlitz County ICE contract together that held three teens who were never charged with a crime for YEARS in the local juvenile "services center". twitter.com/MGPforCongress/sta

MGP clearly doesn't give a fuck about immigrants. Weber is the same kind of good ol boy asshole who runs everything else in this county and that's why having a liberal in Congress won't actually change the corrupt redneck Mafia that actually runs this county. Perez is willing to pal around with this scumfuck piece of shit and says "we need leaders who will unite us and not divide us" & it just goes to show that she doesn't really take the threat of fascism seriously.

#HouseUpset #redwave #ReedCollege #January6 #fascism #election2022 #uselesslibs #abolishice #racism #immigration #unlawfuldetention

Last updated 2 years ago