Wolf Munroe ☎ · @munroe
158 followers · 871 posts · Server dice.camp

I'm trying to figure out how to best structure the list of playable races for my campaigns in my .

I could list all the 0-HD races in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races that are not permitted as playable characters, then list all the races that are not in Inner Sea Races that are permitted, or I could just provide a recommended list and say anything that is not on the recommended list we should talk about first.

#ustalav #Houserules #pathfinder1e #p1e #pathfinder1 #ttrpg #ttrpgs

Last updated 1 year ago

Calico Jesse · @deinol
790 followers · 814 posts · Server dice.camp

Traveller 5

I was thinking about passage and remembered one of the house rule tweaks I made.

When generating potential passengers i modify the roll by the destination’s importance.

It’s easier to find people wanting to travel to the Subsector capital than an empty mudball.

I really appreciate the Importance stat for worked and would backport it to any other Traveller version I ran.

#ttrpg #traveller #traveller5 #Houserules #ClassicTraveller #highpassage

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Myler 💀🍷 · @MikeMyler
132 followers · 225 posts · Server dice.camp

In my games, if you can summon a familiar you can always summon anything physically tattooed on your real body as your familiar.

#DnD #ttrpg #dnd5e #rpg #gaming #tattoos #Houserules

Last updated 2 years ago

Calico Jesse · @deinol
503 followers · 417 posts · Server dice.camp

If and when I run another Traveller 5e game, I will definitely houserule the This Is Hard! Rule. As written, if a skill 3 character tries a 4 dice task, they roll 5 dice. Which makes it nearly impossible to attempt. Instead I think I’ll make This is Hard kick in at more than 2× skill. So a skill 3 character can try up to 6 dice tasks without penalty (still crazy hard), but a skill 1 character rolls an extra die for a 3 dice task.

#ttrpg #travellerrpg #traveller5 #Houserules

Last updated 2 years ago

Phil Viverito · @philviverito
32 followers · 333 posts · Server dice.camp

I'm planning to update some of my offerings on DriveThruRPG. What I discovered recently, my own house rules affect some of character classes I plan on publishing, so I need to write those rules down. &De1, &D, &D, , 


#ad #d #osr #Houserules

Last updated 3 years ago