In this episode we meet Blair who helped James get into housing and have his basic needs met, she helped reconnect him with family, and maybe, most of all, feel loved in the last few years of his life. And James, what he did for Blair was to change her life. He helped her take an off-ramp.
#homelessness #seattle #podcast #housingfirst #Housing4All
In our opinion, ARTISTS provide us with some of the most important things we need in life. Often they show us a beautiful side of humanity that we can miss in the rush of everyday life. They can keep it real, beautiful, and meaningful in times of wondering what we are all doing here.
There are many folks living homeless on our streets who are artists. Despite the struggle to have their basic needs met, they pour life energy into their art.
Tomasz and I are excited to tell you that YKMN now has an ARTIST SPOTLIGHT project, wowWOW!! Please check it out! You will find videos less than a half hour sharing one artist at a time.
The world needs more ARTISTS!
#homelessness #housingfirst #housing4all #art #artist #seattle
#homelessness #housingfirst #Housing4All #art #artist #seattle
On this episode "The Night Watchman" we are talking with Rev. Rick Reynolds. He has spent most of his life stepping closer, getting to know those struggling. For nearly 40 years he worked at the nonprofit Operation Nightwatch, most of that time as the Executive Director, engaging in direct action for those in need.
#homelessness #addiction #housingfirst #seattle #mutualaid #podcast #housing4all ❤️
#homelessness #addiction #housingfirst #seattle #mutualaid #podcast #Housing4All
Looking forward to closely cooperating with new @EU_EESC President @oliverroepke for a strong #SocialEurope:
🚵♀️ just green & digital transitions
🏡 EU housing strategy #Housing4All
🧑🏭right to decent work
♀️ #GenderEquality
🇪🇺 fair #MigrationEU
🗨️ @ch_rouillon #CoRPlenary
#SocialEurope #Housing4All #GenderEquality #MigrationEU #CoRPlenary
In this episode, you will be hearing from Kaitlyn, a young woman struggling through addiction, homelessness, and loss.
When we first met Kaitlyn, she was in her tent suffering from a great deal of physical and emotional pain. She had an abscess located at her lower butt cheek, which was swollen and badly infected. In fact, she was burning up with a high fever. Even worse, for her, she was emotionally distraught over a stranger having taken Prince, her dog, her best friend.
#homelessness #addiction #housingfirst #seattle #mutualaid #podcast #housing4all ❤️
#homelessness #addiction #housingfirst #seattle #mutualaid #podcast #Housing4All
Still think Government Security by Post Punk Podge feat TPM is one of the most underrated and electrifying Irish songs of the last four years, on par with the #Spicebag's polemic illustration. This song was also inspired by the North Frederick Street evictions. I saw this live four years ago and the refrain has never left me:
Gardaí Siochána dressed like ISIS
Making war out of the housing crisis.
#spicebag #dublin #mastodaoine #ireland #Housing4All #limerick
There is a wide diversity of people who make up the population of Tent City 3. For every person living there you will find a profound reason for why this is their best choice for now. For some folks the stay is short, others stay longer to work things out while having shelter from the storm.
In early January, for this episode, I spent two days and one night at Tent City 3.
#homelessness #seattle #mutualaid #housingfirst #housing4all #podcast ❤️
#homelessness #seattle #mutualaid #housingfirst #Housing4All #podcast
On February 19, Rex Hohlbein, founder at Facing Homelessness, and host of the You Know Me Now podcast delivered a sermon at the University Unitarian Church in Seattle. He focused on homelessness in Seattle and building relationships between people who sleep outside and people who are housed.
Full video of lecture on YouTube
#homelessness #housingfirst #seattle #podcast #mutualaid #housing4all #homeless ❤️
#homelessness #housingfirst #seattle #podcast #mutualaid #Housing4All #homeless
Importance of finding and promoting LOCAL artists.
I first posted this on Feb 17th.
Yesterday, right at the beginning of weather warning, the City of Vancouver made another mass-decampment attempt with 30+ cops.
How did I know 5 days ago?
I live here.
#dtes #Housing4All #housingforall #harmreduction
#FollowbackFriday, PM Edition:
Let's follow each other today. 😘
#forgivemedicaldebts #cancelstudentdebts #medicare4all #Housing4All #livingwages #FollowBackFriday
It's #FollowbackFriday time.
Let's follow each other today.
#downwiththeoligarchy #proudindependent #notarepublican #notademocrat #PolicyOverParty #kshamasawant #proudsocialist #medicare4all #livingwages #Housing4All #FollowBackFriday
"The TRUTH is coming out in Ukraine and Zelensky is in deep trouble | Redacted with Clayton Morris"
#UkraineCorruption #USTaxPayerDollars
#MisappropriatedDollars #UkraineScandal
#AidMismanagement #Embezzlement
#BidenBad #PutinBad #ZelenskyBad
#AllWarmongersBad #PeaceOnEarth
#Bribery #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
#PeaceNegotiationsNow #PeaceNOW
#AmericansBasicNeeds #EnoughAlready
#Medicare4All #Housing4All #LivingWages
#CancelStudentDebts #ForgiveMedicalDebts
#forgivemedicaldebts #cancelstudentdebts #livingwages #Housing4All #medicare4all #EnoughAlready #americansbasicneeds #peacenow #peacenegotiationsnow #militaryindustrialcomplex #bribery #peaceonearth #allwarmongersbad #zelenskybad #putinbad #bidenbad #embezzlement #aidmismanagement #ukrainescandal #misappropriateddollars #ustaxpayerdollars #ukrainecorruption
"Tulsi Gabbard on the Truth of President Zelensky" - YouTube
#TulsiGabbard #TruthAboutZelensky #Zelensky
#BidenBad #PutinBad #ZelenskyBad
#AllWarmongersBad #PeaceNegotiations
#PeaceNegotiationsNow #PeaceOnEarth
#AmericansBasicNeeds #AmericansNeeds
#Medicare4All #Housing4All #LivingWages
#CancelStudentDebt #ForgiveMedicalDebt
#forgivemedicaldebt #CancelStudentDebt #livingwages #Housing4All #medicare4all #americansneeds #americansbasicneeds #peaceonearth #peacenegotiationsnow #peacenegotiations #allwarmongersbad #zelenskybad #putinbad #bidenbad #zelensky #truthaboutzelensky #tulsigabbard
In #USA, we still don't have:
#Dems & #GOP have failed #Americans repeatedly.
#EnoughIsEnough #EndTheOligarchy #wethepeople #gopfailures #demfailures #americans #gop #dems #medicaldebtforgiveness #StudentDebtCancellation #livingwages #Housing4All #medicare4all #USA
"7-Eleven store owner uses classical music to drive away homeless people."
#HomelessCrisis #HomelessProblem
#HomelessSituation #Homelessness
#Housing4All #HousingForAll #Housing
#AmericanScandal #AmericanShame
#UnitedStatesScandal #UnitedStatesShame
#USScandal #USShame #USCruelty
#AmericanCruelty #AmericanScandal
#AmericanShame #AmericanCrisis
#AmericanCrisis #americancruelty #uscruelty #usshame #usscandal #unitedstatesshame #unitedstatesscandal #AmericanShame #americanscandal #housing #housingforall #Housing4All #homelessness #homelesssituation #homelessproblem #homelesscrisis
In his latest video @nerd4cities proposes an interesting theory about why single family detached homes appreciate faster than other types of dwellings (has to do with land to property ratio):
This article is mentioned in the description. Argues that public policy should not incentivize owning a home as an investment, it should instead be something we consume:
#housing #Housing4All #housingcrisis #ClimateChangePolicies #urbanism
#urbanism #climatechangepolicies #housingcrisis #Housing4All #housing
Hello, my lovelies:
#FollowbackFriday Latest Edition:
I will follow all like-minded folks who follow me today. 😃
And All Actions I Favor include:
#endallwarsnow #peaceonearth #forgivemedicaldebts #cancelstudentdebts #livingwages #Housing4All #medicare4all #FollowBackFriday
#FollowbackFriday Latest Edition:
I will follow all like-minded folks who follow me today. 😀
#peaceonearth #forgivemedicaldebts #cancelstudentdebts #livingwages #Housing4All #medicare4all #FollowBackFriday
We need to stop criminalizing #Homelessness, and work on finding ways to make housing more affordable and available for all people.
What Missouri is doing is unconscionable and evil.
#houselessness #unhoused #housing #Housing4All
#Homelessness #houselessness #Unhoused #housing #Housing4All
#FollowbackFriday, morning edition. Hello, Dear Friends, If you agree with below ideals, let's follow each other today, & I always follow back like-minded folks. And, please, follow @TurboKitty, a lovely human being who cares about others & our planet. 😘 💚
My Ideals:
#PardonEdwardSnowden #freejulianassange #freeleonardpeltier #greennewdeal #peaceonearth #FreePalestine #medicare4all #livingwages #Housing4All #FollowBackFriday