Beaverton: Minister Ahmed Hussen fixes housing prices by knocking $20 off his newest rental property #satire #canada #commentary #propertyvalues #affordability #housingprices #AhmedHussen #RealEstate #Ottawa #rent
#satire #Canada #commentary #propertyvalues #affordability #HousingPrices #ahmedhussen #realestate #ottawa #rent
Global News BC: Gloomy 2023 B.C. housing forecast, but 2024 better #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BritishColumbiaRealEstateAssociation #housingforecast #HousingPrices #housingsales #B.C.Housing #RealEstate #Economy #Housing
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #britishcolumbiarealestateassociation #housingforecast #HousingPrices #housingsales #b #realestate #economy #housing
Global News BC: Four ways life could get pricier in B.C. in 2023, and a handful of ways it might not #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouverhousing #BCcostofliving #HousingPrices #BCgovernment #BCRealEstate #CostofLiving #YearinReview #FoodPrices #inflation #Consumer #Economy #bchydro #2023 #ICBC
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Anyone know how to make money grow on trees?
Seems like it might be the only way I can ever buy a house