Government must raise #housingbenefit as crisis deepens for private renters
New analysis of Government data shows a critical shortfall for private #renters relying on housing benefits to cover their rent, a situation that needs urgent action.
This massive mistake by my local council is going to cause of lot of emotional and financial distress to the poorest in the city. I'd love to know how this happened; and specifically if it was a system or human error.
#MiltonKeynes #CouncilTax #HousingBenefit #Stress #Finances #Financial #Council
#council #financial #finances #stress #Housingbenefit #Counciltax #miltonkeynes
Massive mistake by my local council is going to cause of lot of emotional and financial distress to the poorest in the city. I'd love to know how this happened; and specifically if it was a system or human error.
#MiltonKeynes #CouncilTax #HousingBenefit #Stress #Finances #Financial #Council
#council #financial #finances #stress #Housingbenefit #Counciltax #miltonkeynes