And yet the so-called left cannot see that is actually bad for them.

#moneyPrinterGoBrr #HowVeryKeynesian #mmt #whyBitcoinCore

Last updated 3 years ago


You know that the crowd, and are 5000 times worse than the crypto for the , right?

#mmt #wallstreet #environment #optics #mozillaRunsBackToMoneyPump #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

FUN FACT: The "inflated" their currency by mixing increasingly more cheap metals with the over time?

Thus our current flirtation with is not a new 20th century thing, its as old as the Roman Empire! Just like that empire we squandered our wealth on .

Militarism that comes ?

#romanempire #gold #keynesianism #militarism #homeToRoost #HowVeryKeynesian #inflation #funfact #whyBitcoinCore #whyMonero #stopwar #austrianSchoolEconomics #time #history #historyrepeating #neoFascism

Last updated 3 years ago

"Gotta engage in . Think of the premiums if a breakout started there!"

Seriously… f%cking ?!

Not a single person needs to worry about the health of firms.

They (et al) have a and they've been using it for almost two years to steal **** from us. Do we really think they are not those funds through first?

#medicalExperimentation #healthinsurance #premiums #moneyPump #tangibleAssets #moneylaundering #bigFinance #assetinflation #HowVeryKeynesian #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #australia

Last updated 3 years ago

THERE ARE TWO ways to make the tokens more popular.

1) Have use them, this helps them gain . Expect this from memecoiner. Failng that,
2) Make jokes about them to give them . Notoriety also the .

GUESS WHICH METHOD they are using?

#etheriumScam #celebrities #legitimacy #notoriety #elevates #scamToken #landTitle #takingTheWorldPrivate #MoneyLaunderingGoBrr #deathcult #darkpatterns #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

In 1971, the US govt took the ideas of Keynes and ran with it. They a gave a big middle-finger to France, by giving them a bunch of paper rather than the gold to pay back the debts the French were owed for backing in .

Since the mid-1970s the started going to those closest to the newly printed money, and not to a shortening work week.

Who is benefitting from digging holes and filling them up again?


#militarism #vietnam #productivityGains #HowVeryKeynesian #bitcoinfixesthis

Last updated 3 years ago

Thanks Paul.

Year of Fedi is a long year that spans more time than expected. Sort of like how the inflation is and should not last long.

Actually haha, that might be the new hashtag.

@PaulaToThePeople @humanetech

#transitory #theInflationOfFediverseIsTransitory #theInflationIsTransitory #assetinflation #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing,

So the website is now officially just another -served website.

By the way when one uses an image on their page that is sourced from the website they are effectively adding a little Cloudflare on their website, too.

#creativecommons #cloudflare #moneyLaunderingSupporter #cc #tracker #clownworld #nft #crime #whitecollarcrime #moneylaundering #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

The "free-market" you demanded, rather…

How much money do you think a can pay his own private doctor?


#ceo #moneyPrinterGoDrr #HowVeryKeynesian #privateDoctor #sureYouHadTheVaccineLolol

Last updated 3 years ago

Nice to see being a shill for the beneficiaries of the ponzi — a person who enjoys watching (his?) , no doubt.

Inflation is a stealthTax. The top 1% and those closest to the moneyPrinting are the benefactors when and its why we support a UBI that goes up slightly with age and Bitcoin (and Monero).

#corydoctorow #assetinflation #moneyPrinterGoDrr #HowVeryKeynesian #mmt

Last updated 3 years ago

When it comes to and , can we all please condemn (as swiftly as humanly possible) the notion of ().

The is set to fund a $280M (USD) project with to build the country's first .

The continuing march of the .

What we need is a proper of , (aka cronyism) and .

#nuclearEnergy #greenwashing #SmallModularReactors #SMRs #UKGovt #RollsRoyce #smr #deathcult #Rethink #growthism #corporatism #hyperConsumption #HowVeryKeynesian #ukpol #consumption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #DepletedUranium #whyBitcoinCore #degrowth

Last updated 3 years ago

Bank websites are so .

All we ask is for one to say, " are maniacs".

Just one.

Okay so maybe that's asking too much. At the very least how about not plastering your numbers all over the place?

#cringe #bank #Kesnesians #ecocidal #interestrate #bankChallenge #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

Don't forget antiCapitalist is only 'a thing' because we don't actually have capitalism anymore, the protections put in place to allow geniune capitalism were removed. We now have rigged , or .

Some say this is the end result of cap but that's not true.

It is the end result of so the current establishment can buyback their stocks to keep them growthy with speculation.

#capitalism #cronycapitalism #moneyPrinting #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

How about that ?

Our economy is experiencing while Rome burns. Its probably fitting being everyone that we know who gets the vaccine seems to lose their energy and have growing difficulty with basic things.

These people seem to need to be placed in front of a screen increasingly.

#moneyPrinter #gamification #HowVeryKeynesian #financialisation #stayathome #thematrix

Last updated 3 years ago