Have you seen the Howard Hawks film "Scarface" made in 1932?
Hawks put an "X" in every scene where someone was about to be murdered. The film is full of "X"s.
It seems fitting that Musk is changing the Twitter logo to an "X" marking clearly how he has murdered it.
It would be more appropriate if the blue iconic bird was riddled with bullet holes from a Tommy gun with a big "X" above it.
#movies #films #FilmArt #HowardHawks #Musk #Twitter #TwitterDeath #X
#x #twitterdeath #Twitter #Musk #HowardHawks #filmart #films #Movies
70 years ago:
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (US)
Lorelei Lee is a beautiful showgirl engaged to be married to the wealthy Gus Esmond, much to the disapproval of Gus' rich father, Esmond Sr., who thinks that Lorelei is just after his money. When Lorelei goes on a cruise accompanied only by her best friend, Dorothy Shaw, Esmond Sr. hires Ernie Malon...
#GentlemenPreferBlondes #HowardHawks #JaneRussell #MarilynMonroe #CharlesCoburn #20thCenturyFox
#gentlemenpreferblondes #HowardHawks #janerussell #marilynmonroe #charlescoburn #20thcenturyfox
61 years ago:
Hatari! (US)
A female wildlife photographer arrives on an East African reservation where a group of men trap wild animals for zoos and circuses.
#Hatari #HowardHawks #JohnWayne #HardyKrüger #ElsaMartinelli #Paramount #Movies
#hatari #HowardHawks #johnwayne #hardykruger #elsamartinelli #paramount #movies
53 years ago:
Rio Lobo (US)
After the Civil War, Cord McNally searches for the traitor whose perfidy caused the defeat of McNally's unit and the loss of a close friend.
#RioLobo #HowardHawks #JohnWayne #JorgeRivero #JenniferONeill #Western #ClassicMovies
#riolobo #HowardHawks #johnwayne #jorgerivero #jenniferoneill #western #classicmovies
Actors James Arness and Billy Curtis, who both played the alien creature that attacks an Arctic research station.
#movies #films #sciencefiction #SciFi #1950s #HowardHawks #Cinema
#movies #films #sciencefiction #SciFi #1950s #HowardHawks #cinema
80 years ago:
Air Force (US)
The crew of an Air Force bomber arrives in Pearl Harbor in the aftermath of the Japanese attack and is sent on to Manila to help with the defense of the Philippines.
#AirForce #HowardHawks #GigYoung #ArthurKennedy #CharlesDrake #ClassicMovies
#airforce #HowardHawks #gigyoung #arthurkennedy #charlesdrake #classicmovies
95 years ago:
A Girl in Every Port (US)
Two sailors with a rivalry over chasing women become friends. But when one decides to finally settle down, will this mysterious young woman come between them?
#AGirlinEveryPort #HowardHawks #VictorMcLaglen #LouiseBrooks #RobertArmstrong #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#agirlineveryport #HowardHawks #victormclaglen #louisebrooks #robertarmstrong #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
85 years ago:
Bringing Up Baby (US)
David Huxley is waiting to get a bone he needs for his museum collection. Through a series of strange circumstances, he meets Susan Vance, and the duo have a series of misadventures which include a leopard called Baby.
#BringingUpBaby #HowardHawks #KatharineHepburn #CaryGrant #FritzFeld #RKO #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#bringingupbaby #HowardHawks #katharinehepburn #carygrant #fritzfeld #rko #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
📀 Toujours à l’occasion du centenaire de #WarnerBros, le studio prévoit la sortie au mois d’avril 2023 en Blu-ray UltraHD 4K d’un classique du western 🇺🇸 , #RioBravo d’#HowardHawks avec #JohnWayne, #DeanMartin, #RickyNelson & #AngieDickinson. 📀
#warnerbros #riobravo #HowardHawks #johnwayne #deanmartin #rickynelson #angiedickinson
“Neither of the two people in the room paid any attention to the way I came in, although only one of them was dead.”
The Big Sleep, Raymond Chandler
#ClassicLitMonday 📖
Humphrey Bogart as Philip Marlowe in Howard Hawks 1946 film noir 🎞️📽️
#TheBigSleep #ClassicLitMonday #literature #HumphreyBogart #HowardHawks #FilmNoir #PhilipMarlowe #book #books #BookQuote
#classiclitmonday #thebigsleep #literature #humphreybogart #HowardHawks #filmnoir #PhilipMarlowe #book #books #bookquote
83 years ago:
His Girl Friday (US)
Hildy, the journalist former wife of newspaper editor Walter Burns, visits his office to inform him that she's engaged and will be getting remarried the next day. Walter can't let that happen and frames the fiancé, Bruce Baldwin, for one thing after another, to keep him temporarily held in prison, w...
#HisGirlFriday #HowardHawks #CaryGrant #RosalindRussell #RalphBellamy #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#hisgirlfriday #HowardHawks #carygrant #rosalindrussell #ralphbellamy #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
For anyone sad about #RIPJeffBeck, here's at least a little #screwballcomedy fun fact to cheer us up:
HIS GIRL FRIDAY premiered on this date.
#cinemastodon #FilmMastodon #classicfilm #HowardHawks #rosalindrussell #carygrant #screwballcomedy #ripjeffbeck
Looking for an old gangster movie? The 1932 "Scarface" kicks ass.
Paul Muni is so playful & scary & hot, frankly. The smirk & the way he walks. All the actors move distinctively, maybe from working on silent films & Vaudeville.
A portrait of life b4 machine guns were outlawed.
#blackandwhite #oldmovies #classicfilm #Scarface #1932 #PaulMuni #gangster #gangsters #mob #guns #antihero #preCode #HowardHawks #AnnDvorak #OsgoodPerkins #KarenMorley #GeorgeRaft #BorisKarloff
#blackandwhite #oldmovies #classicfilm #scarface #paulmuni #gangster #gangsters #mob #guns #antihero #precode #HowardHawks #anndvorak #osgoodperkins #karenmorley #georgeraft #boriskarloff
Moar classics!
#BallOfFire #HowardHawks
#GaryCooper #BarbaraStanwyck
#nowwatching #balloffire #HowardHawks #GaryCooper #barbarastanwyck
#TEFL #OnlineTutor #Geordie
❤️ #nature #science #history #SocialJustice #languages #etymology
📺 #SirDavidAttenborough #RichardOsmansHouseOfGames #TheRepairShop #ScandiNoir #TheHandmaidsTale
⚽ #Lionesses #SarinaWiegman #KeiraWalsh #LucyBronze
🎧 #EllaFitzgerald #kdlang #MarvinGaye #StevieWonder #BillyJoel
🎬 #PowellAndPressburger #ScrewballComedy #HowardHawks #Capra #Hitchcock
📖 #Austen #Gaskell #Trollope #DorothyLSayers #AnneLister
🤢 #DisingenuousGaslightingPoliticians #CorianderLeaf
#powellandpressburger #tefl #corianderleaf #disingenuousgaslightingpoliticians #AnneLister #dorothylsayers #Trollope #gaskell #austen #hitchcock #capra #HowardHawks #screwballcomedy #billyjoel #steviewonder #marvingaye #kdlang #ellafitzgerald #LucyBronze #keirawalsh #SarinaWiegman #lionesses #thehandmaidstale #scandinoir #TheRepairShop #richardosmanshouseofgames #sirdavidattenborough #etymology #languages #socialjustice #History #Science #Nature #geordie #onlinetutor #Introduction
Thanks to @abbytoir: To help make connections: name 5-7 directors as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
#billywilder #akirakurosawa #HowardHawks #stevenspielberg #christophernolan
I like @abbytoir's adjustment to this so adding this one too:
To help make connections, name 5-7 directors as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so other know to do the same.
#GuillermodelToro #JenniferKent #billywilder #HowardHawks #FritzLang #RidleyScott #stevenspielberg
Nemico (e) immaginario. L’orrore che avanza. Corpi mutanti e identità inquiete all’alba dello yuppismo anni Ottanta https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/07/19/nemico-e-immaginario-lorrore-che-avanza-corpi-mutanti-e-identita-inquiete-allalba-dello-yuppismo-anni-ottanta/ #Nemico(e)immaginario #EdoardoTrevisani #contaminazione #GioacchinoToni #JohnW.Campbell #ChristianNyby #JohnCarpenter #FabioMigneco #Fantascienza #anniOttanta #HowardHawks #immaginario #KurtRussell #MarkFisher #Cinema&tv #mostruoso
#mostruoso #cinema #markfisher #KurtRussell #immaginario #HowardHawks #anniottanta #fantascienza #FabioMigneco #johncarpenter #ChristianNyby #JohnW #gioacchinotoni #contaminazione #EdoardoTrevisani #nemico