VRT vindt interview uit 1964 terug met Georges #Lemaître, die in 20 minuten vertelt hoe volgens hem het heelal moet zijn ontstaan vanuit één primitief atoom: een superdichte massa die is "geëxplodeerd" en maar blijft uitdijen.
Het is trouwens de Britse astronoom Fred #Hoyle die de benaming "big bang" als eerste gebruikte, om de spot te drijven met de theorie. Maar gaandeweg sluiten meer en meer wetenschappers zich erbij aan, ook #Einstein.
Tory turmoil made UK ‘laughing stock’, says Sir Lindsay Hoyle | The Independent
British democracy ‘still struggling to recover’, says Commons speaker
#ToryTurmoil #Hoyle #UKALaughingStock #BritishDemocracy
It's about time this so-called 'government' realised self-regulation doesn't work...does it #sunak #hocstandards #hoyle??? And I'm talking about standards in HoC and ministers not the tech companies!
BBC News - Who needs to 'step up' to keep kids safe online?
The video that so outraged the Speaker of the House of Commons that it’s author is now facing expulsion from the House of Commons…
What a pitiful mess our sham of a democracy is in — where liars are allowed to continue lying and those that point out the cosy chumocracy and lack of accountability are punished🤷♂️
(Source: https://twitter.com/mrjohnnicolson/status/1592957247399030784?s=61&t=v5FOzNdr2KbUiDBQaexE0g)
What an absolute farce. The speaker of the house is publicly reprimanding @SNP MP John Nicolson for pointing out that Nadine Dorries lied to the commons and Hoyle wasn't going to do anything about it.
He then let David Davis have a go.
The same David Davis who lied to parliament about the Brexit impact reports and narrowly avoided being held in contempt of parliament
Neue Studie zur Ursprungsgeschichte von #Kohlenstoff-12
#Hoyle-#Zustand, #Grundzustand, #Nukleosynthese, #Supernova, #Stern, #Intelligenz, #Supercomputer
#kohlenstoff #Hoyle #zustand #grundzustand #Nukleosynthese #supernova #stern #intelligenz #supercomputer