Holy shit the #hugoawards nominations are _stacked_ this year. I need to read the Daughter of Doctor Moreau before I decide on my personal pick for best novel.
#introduction I'm awkward at introductions, that's the first thing to know. I'm entirely awkward, tbh. I'm GenX, it's how we turned out.
Right now I'm doing the most successful therapy I've done in my life and it's reignited my love of so many fandoms. I used to write #fanfic and I somehow lost that ability (via disability or trauma or both, idk) and last week I wrote a drabble! My first fiction writing the better part of a decade!
I'm #disabled and #immunocompromised. I have #MultipleSclerosis, #asthma, #migraine, #depression, #anxiety, #MECFS, #PostHerpeticNeuralgia. I'm beginning the diagnostic process for #POTS. I'm an activist by training and by desire, specifically focused on #DisabilityJustice.
I'm a #specfic & #SFF fan. I'm currently reading for the #HugoAwards, which is my favorite thing. I'm a long-time #Readercon attendee and love that they had a virtual con this past year. I also attended virtual #Worldcon last year and am considering virtual #Wiscon.
I'm an East-Coaster and a #SevenSisters alum. #Wellesley
And now it's time for current fandoms!
Games: #Sims4, #Skyrim #Tropico6 #MyTimeAtSandrock
Comics: #SpiderWoman #CaptainMarvel #HarleyQuinn #Lumberjanes
Shows: #MoonKnight, #Heels, #SheRa, #SupermanAndLois, #StarTrek, #Ghosts, #GoodGirls
Books feel like a post of their own. Hi, Fandom Garden!
#introduction #fanfic #disabled #immunocompromised #MultipleSclerosis #asthma #migraine #depression #anxiety #mecfs #PostHerpeticNeuralgia #pots #DisabilityJustice #specfic #sff #HugoAwards #Readercon #Worldcon #wiscon #SevenSisters #Wellesley #sims4 #Skyrim #Tropico6 #MyTimeAtSandrock #SpiderWoman #CaptainMarvel #HarleyQuinn #Lumberjanes #Moonknight #Heels #shera #SupermanAndLois #startrek #Ghosts #GoodGirls