It is 3 am local time in Damascas, Aleppo & Antakya.
Death toll as of 8 pm has risen well beyond 21,000.
More humanitarian aid charities are listed for individuals and private sector businesses in UK and EU
to donate whatever they can.
#earthquake #disasteraid #humanitarianaid #humanity #humankindness #compassion #makeadifference
#earthquake #disasteraid #humanitarianaid #humanity #HumanKindness #compassion #makeadifference
I am so proud that this is my best friend!!! @anjabakker has crossed half of Europe on a 7000km #pilgrimage from Ireland to Jerusalem, on foot, with her harp on her back. Dear Anja, I salute you! #humankindness #fromheretojerusalem Lessons from the road
#pilgrimage #HumanKindness #fromheretojerusalem