The best way to handle this is by settlement. Lock them all up in one room & let them hammer it out, w/ the judge acting as a mediator. Don't wait for the judge to come out with a ruling that neither party will be happy about, this will only prolong the agony of the indigenous community. Canada & Ontario owe it to them! Get the money #DougFord stole! Make their lives better FFS!
#cdnpoli #dougfordiscorrupt #makeindigenouslivesbetter #HumanRightsMatter #indigenouslivesmatter #dougford
I decided to boycott the World Cup in Qatar before the tournament started. I couldn’t stomach the human rights abuses and hypocrisy of football’s governing body and I haven’t watched a ball being kicked. I know it probably hasn’t made a shred of difference, but I’ve stuck to my stance and will miss the final today. #HumanRightsMatter #WorldCup #Qatar https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/lifestyle/5160475/talking-point-why-i-boycotted-the-world-cup-even-if-other-fans-couldnt-be-bothered/
#qatar #worldcup #HumanRightsMatter
I decided to boycott the World Cup in Qatar before the tournament started. I couldn’t stomach the human rights abuses and hypocrisy of football’s governing body and I haven’t watched a ball being kicked. I know it probably hasn’t made a shred of difference, but I’ve stuck to my stance and will miss the final today. #HumanRightsMatter #WorldCup #Qatar https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/lifestyle/5160475/talking-point-why-i-boycotted-the-world-cup-even-if-other-fans-couldnt-be-bothered/
#qatar #worldcup #HumanRightsMatter
Reveling in joyous ecstasy after hearing the loathsome chud who sponsored the Don’t-Say-Gay legal bs in FL got busted for fraud re Covid loans. 😉 :blobcatextremejoy:
#Florida #FloridaMan #crimeneverstops #MAGAassholes #MagaJokes #GayNews #LQBTQ #NoHateSpeech #HumanRightsMatter #schadenfreude
#schadenfreude #HumanRightsMatter #NoHateSpeech #LQBTQ #gaynews #MagaJokes #MAGAassholes #crimeneverstops #floridaman #Florida
Reveling in joyous ecstasy after hearing the loathsome chud who sponsored the Don’t-Say-Gay legal bs in FL got busted for fraud re Covid loans. 😉 :blobcatextremejoy:
#Florida #FloridaMan #crimeneverstops #MAGAassholes #MagaJokes #GayNews #LQBTQ #NoHateSpeech #HumanRightsMatter #schadenfreude
#schadenfreude #HumanRightsMatter #NoHateSpeech #LQBTQ #gaynews #MagaJokes #MAGAassholes #crimeneverstops #floridaman #Florida
RT @CESPYD_us: Turno de @danielaemir y Manuel García-Ramírez en el #RightsForum21, síguenos⬇️
The Role of #RomaYouth in Advocacy: Lessons Learned from the RoMOMatteR Experience✔️
@CESPYD_us @unisevilla @EPHA_EU @EU_EESC @EU_Social
#ForYouthRights #HumanRightsMatter
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1516814451969830919
#RightsForum21 #RomaYouth #ForYouthRights #HumanRightsMatter
RT @JesselynRadack
Desperately trying to contact *my own client* #DanielHale. He was recommended for a minimum security medical prison. The gov instead sent him to a severe, isolated CMU — a legal black hole w/ no due process.
#HumanRightsMatter https://thedissenter.org/drone-whistleblower-daniel-hale-sent/
#danielhale #HumanRightsMatter