Heute ist der Tag der humanitären Hilfe. Unsere Schirmfrau, Bundestagspraesidentin @baerbelbas, dankt allen Helfer*innen, die weltweit aktiv sind und sich teilweise unter schwierigen Bedingungen für Menschen in Not einsetzen. Auch allen engagierten Menschen in unseren Kommunen gilt ihre Anerkennung. Sie kümmern sich vor Ort um die Aufnahme und Versorgung von Geflüchteten. Ohne diesen starken Einsatz wären viele nötige Hilfsangebote nicht möglich. Danke! 💙
#HumanitarianDay #unhcr #withrefugees
"Stay and deliver" - vor Ort sein und Hilfe leisten: Das ist ein Grundsatz der humanitären Hilfe. Was das genau heißt und warum finanzielle Hilfe dringend notwendig ist, beschreibt unser Nationaler Direktor @PRuhenstrothB in einem Gastbeitrag in der @FR zum #HumanitarianDay.
„Gemeinsam arbeiten wir weiter daran, dass die Helferinnen und Helfer, die unter hohem persönlichen Einsatz und Druck im Einsatz sind, die finanzielle Unterstützung erhalten, um zu bleiben und zu helfen“, sagt unser Nationaler Direktor @PRuhenstrothB zum morgigen #HumanitarianDay.
"Continued failure to acknowledge and address this issue is an inexcusable danger to workers’ personal health and the health of their communities"
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
About 100 million animals are killed for meat in the UK every month - but very little is heard about the people doing the killing. Here, one former abattoir worker describes her job, and the effect it had on her mental health ⬇
Millions in Britain take it for granted that someone else will kill their dinner on their behalf. That’s how they’re able to eat dead animals while still seeing themselves as animal lovers.
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
Connected to higher incidents of domestic violence, as well as alcohol and drug abuse. A pig slaughterer said the “worst thing” about the work is its “emotional toll”.
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
"If we don't talk about environmental racism when we talk about the climate crisis, then we're really not addressing the climate crisis at all"
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
Brazilian companies and slaughterhouses including the world’s largest meat producer, JBS, sourced cattle from supplier farms that made use of workers kept in slavery-like conditions 🇧🇷
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
Air pollution is considered “one of the greatest environmental risks to human health” by the World Health Organization, which ties outdoor air pollution to cancer, heart disease, stroke and lung disease.
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
How the American Meat Industry Exploits Undocumented Laborers.
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
Environmental racism may take many forms, but when it comes to injustices directly linked to the food industry, we can do our part to not contribute to these unjust actions by choosing a plant-based diet 🌱
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
Air pollution from farms leads to 17,900 U.S. deaths per year 🇺🇸
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
U.S. meat production is widely considered to be one of the most dangerous industries in the nation 🇺🇸
#HumanitarianDay #veganuary2023 #veganuary
Very important indeed for us all to ponder on the words of wisdom
RT @janilkiz: Evil is intelligent, strategic, brutal, destructive and power-hungry. It is also superficial without depth. Good is sensitive, fragile and full of depth because love is present. We continue #HumanitarianDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1560940550358028288
RT @300gospodarka: 303 mln osób na całym świecie potrzebują pomocy humanitarnej. Tak wiele osób nie potrzebowało wsparcia w zapewnieniu podstawowych potrzeb (dostępu do wody, żywności, bezpiecznego schronienia) jeszcze nigdy – podaje @PAH_org
#HumanitarianDay #kryzys
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaninaOchojska/status/1560570374974160897