#Racism #HumanitarianCrises race and erasure: why the world’s other humanitarian crises don’t see the same response as Ukraine https://theconversation.com/race-and-erasure-why-the-worlds-other-humanitarian-crises-dont-see-the-same-response-as-ukraine-200987
#worldhunger #Humanitariancrises #auspol
I scroll through Instagram regularly these days, and what constantly pops up are humans in crisis with appeals for help. Like Syria & Turkey - devastated by war, climate events and more. No food, water, medical services and the like.
Then I contrast that with individuals in Australia with $400m in their Super and politicians like Angus Taylor screaming because how dare the govt take away their tax breaks..
#worldhunger #Humanitariancrises #auspol
New Yorker: A Life Begun Amid the Ruins of a Syrian City https://www.newyorker.com/culture/annals-of-appearances/a-life-begun-amid-a-citys-ruin #NewYorker #Culture/AnnalsofAppearances #HumanitarianCrises #Earthquake #Newborns #Turkey #Syria
#newyorker #Culture #Humanitariancrises #earthquake #newborns #turkey #syria