Oh, hey, #DayofDH2023, and the first Day of DH I’ll have spent on this network rather than that other one. I'm in the midst of drafting my keynote for #ReclaimOpen, which is all about the failed sociality of social networks, and how it undermined the potential for sociality elsewhere online. So it's appropriate to find myself here, on an instance of a distributed network on which we're hoping to build new kinds of connection and engagement.
Not at all incidentally, given @nirak's post linked below, I'm drafting that talk in #Obsidian, and pushing it from there to #GitHub, where it's running in #reveal.js. (Drafting the talk is also a task I'm tracking in #Obsidian. I am :100: a true believer.)
Next on today's agenda is an online workshop with the #HumanitiesCommons team. And then more writing.
#dayofdh2023 #reclaimopen #obsidian #github #reveal #HumanitiesCommons
Good move: #HumanitiesCommons is dropping #Twitter as a method of #authentication and adding #ORCID.
#ORCID #authentication #twitter #HumanitiesCommons
I've uploaded six book chapters or articles to the #HumanitiesCommons #repository, #CORE. It takes time to upload each one, but I'm happier knowing that all my publications will be safely housed in a non-profit site. If you're planning to do the same, try to get basic information like the publisher of the journal (not just the title of), the ISSN, etc. And each essay you upload must have its own abstract. If you're on HC, let me know!
#HumanitiesCommons #repository #core
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be the #project manager of a large, #grant-funded, boundary-pushing #academic platform? Well, you're in luck! Check out the first in a new series of blog posts on the project management of #HumanitiesCommons: https://building.hcommons.org/2023/01/18/trailer-from-pilot-to-platform/.
I'd love to hear about your experiences and your thoughts on project managing these types of projects. My hope is that together we can work toward a series of resources and a project management framework that fits the specific needs within the academic community.
#project #grant #academic #HumanitiesCommons
Neat feature on hcommons.org: link to your Mastodon profile from your Humanities Commons profile.
Thanks to the brilliant folks at hcommons, who have made a nice little guide to achieve this do👇🏽
Title: V stands for Vulva!
License: CC: BY-NC-SA
Original size: 19200x12000 #pixels
Permanent URL: https://doi.org/10.17613/9qgm-9960
The full size version of this artwork, authenticated by #DOI & deposited at #HumanitiesCommons, is made available #FREE of charge for NON-commercial use through #CreativeCommons #license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
This satirical #artwork expresses a total condemnation of all forms of legally imposed #WomensRights restrictions!
#womensrights #artwork #license #CreativeCommons #free #HumanitiesCommons #doi #pixels #qrt
So @hello and all of my #HumanitiesCommons instance-mates, which resource(s) would you share with students about why someone at non-specialist MA level should care about open infrastructure, use open blogging platforms and be interested in #OpenInfrastructure infrastructure?
There are so many options, so I'm more looking for the best fit for tone and introductory simplicity. @kfitz I know you've written about this a lot, so I'd be interested from an HC perspective about which piece you would recommend.
@dh people, feel free to chip in!
#HumanitiesCommons #OpenInfrastructure
For #facultydevelopment I've urged #career #academics to set up & customize a #GoogleScholar profile. See why & how at https://www.academia.edu/31601667 or https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322925847
I enjoy #curation, backing up publications in research #repositories. Academia.Edu and ResearchGate both offer data on views and so on. Are you one of those with strong views about one or the other? I recommend #HumanitiesCommons, which hosts some of my #academic & #creative works, #OER teaching materials, #podcast lessons, etc., each with a DOI - at https://hcommons.org/members/stevemccartyinjapan + my home site at https://japanned.hcommons.org
Repository algorithms & adjustments work in mysterious ways. Counts in each go up and down like Chutes and Ladders, but about 27,000 reads at both https://wilmina.academia.edu/SteveMcCarty and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Steve-Mccarty plus about 8,000 downloads from Humanities Commons, not counting site visits.
All publications available & performance data are at https://japanned.hcommons.org/inventory
@academicchatter @digisociety
It's fun!
#facultydevelopment #career #academics #googlescholar #curation #repositories #HumanitiesCommons #academic #creative #oer #podcast
For #facultydevelopment I've urged #career #academics to set up & customize a #GoogleScholar profile. See why & how at https://www.academia.edu/31601667 or https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322925847
I enjoy #curation, backing up publications in research #repositories. Academia.Edu and ResearchGate both offer data on views and so on. Are you one of those with strong views about one or the other? I recommend #HumanitiesCommons, which hosts some of my #academic and #creative works, #OER teaching materials, #podcast lessons, etc., each with a DOI - at https://hcommons.org/members/stevemccartyinjapan - plus my central Website at https://japanned.hcommons.org
Repository algorithms & adjustments work in mysterious ways. My counts in each have gone up and down like Chutes and Ladders, but about 27,000 reads at both https://wilmina.academia.edu/SteveMcCarty and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Steve-Mccarty plus about 8,000 downloads from Humanities Commons, not counting site visits.
All publications available online & performance data are at https://japanned.hcommons.org/inventory
It's fun!
#facultydevelopment #career #academics #googlescholar #curation #repositories #HumanitiesCommons #academic #creative #oer #podcast
License: CC: BY-NC-SA
Original size: 11700x8700 pixels
Permanent URL: dx.doi.org/10.17613/fw67-4z46
The full size version of this artwork, authenticated by #DOI and deposited on the CORE repository of #HumanitiesCommons, is made available #FREE of charge for NON-commercial use through #CreativeCommons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
Please feel free to download & #share this #artwork as much as you like!
#Krampus is coming…
#krampus #artwork #share #CreativeCommons #free #HumanitiesCommons #doi #qrt
Title: Enjoy Caustic Humour!
License: CC: BY-NC-SA
Original size: 10500x3500 pixels
Permanent URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.17613/77pr-9v55
The full size version of this #artwork, authenticated by #DOI and deposited on the CORE repository of #HumanitiesCommons, is made available #FREE of charge for NON-commercial use through #CreativeCommons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
Please feel free to download & share this artwork as much as you like!
#pruritusmigrans #CreativeCommons #free #HumanitiesCommons #doi #artwork #qrt
I'm also a #Bilingual #Bilingualism researcher, but in #Japan, as well as an #EdTech pioneer, so I'm with you, bro! I noticed you changed from #HumanitiesCommons - where I'm set up and have my home Website https://japanned.hcommons.org - so I was wondering what good reason you must have had to change instances. As I understand it, Twitter allows 280 characters, Mastodon usually 500, but #HumanitiesCommons allows 1,000. I always take it to the limit :)
Now I see that your server also allows 1,000, so cheers!
@mguhlin @tomp @edutooters
#HumanitiesCommons #edtech #japan #bilingualism #bilingual
¿Nuevo por aquí? ¿Perdido? Tranquilo, no eres el único. Esta guía básica de la gente de Humanities Commons quizá te sea de utilidad (en inglés): https://hcommons.org/docs/mastodon-quick-start-guide-for-humanities-scholars/
#HumanitiesCommons #bienvenidoamastodon #newinmastodon
Hi everyone. After playing around a bit here, a short #introduction. My name's Victoria Szabo (she/her). I am a Research Professor in Art, Art History & Visual Studies at #Duke University (USA) where I work on #DigitalHumanities, #ComputationalMedia, #Information Science + Studies and related areas. I'm especially interested in spatial and interactive media archives, apps, and exhibitions, and in #digitalstorytelling around art, history, culture and work with various #interdisciplinary labs. I partner in the #collaborative international #VisualizingCities consortium and co-create artists' #games with Psychasthenia Studio. I am also Chair of the #Arts Advisory Group for #ACM_SIGGRAPH.
Looking forward to seeing how this community develops and appreciate #HumanitiesCommons for creating this space!
#introduction #duke #digitalhumanities #ComputationalMedia #information #digitalstorytelling #interdisciplinary #collaborative #VisualizingCities #games #arts #ACM_SIGGRAPH #HumanitiesCommons
It occurs to me that I haven't done a proper #introduction on this new instance! My formal job title is Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English at Michigan State University, but alongside that I also direct #MeshResearch, a lab focused on building open-source interoperable tools for new forms of scholarly communication. I'm also director of #HumanitiesCommons, a scholarly network serving something like 50,000 users across the humanities and around the world.* And of course I'm one of your friendly neighborhood hcommons.social admins.
My #research interests circulate around the future of #scholarlyCommunication, as one component of thinking about how #universities might become more #open, more #generous spaces for cultural and intellectual work. Of late, that interest has led me to thinking a lot about #leadership and #governance, and particularly ways that they can be more #collective and #collaborative.
#collaborative #collective #Governance #leadership #generous #open #universities #scholarlycommunication #Research #HumanitiesCommons #MeshResearch #introduction
It occurs to me that I haven't done a proper #introduction on this new instance! My formal job title is Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English at Michigan State University, but alongside that I also direct #MeshResearch, a lab focused on building open-source interoperable tools for new forms of scholarly communication. I'm also director of #HumanitiesCommons, a scholarly network serving something like 50,000 users across the humanities and around the world.* And of course I'm one of your friendly neighborhood hcommons.social admins.
My #research interests circulate around the future of #scholarlyCommunication, as one component of thinking about how #universities might become more #open, more #generous spaces for cultural and intellectual work. Of late, that interest has led me to thinking a lot about #leadership and #governance, and particularly ways that they can be more #collective and #collaborative.
#introduction #MeshResearch #HumanitiesCommons #Research #scholarlycommunication #universities #open #generous #leadership #Governance #collective #collaborative
Just gave to Humanities Commons to help support this wonderful resource, should have done so far earlier (I send people to Humanities Commons all the time!)
Graduate work - Comparative Literature at U of #Toronto in the early 90s; first forays into World Wide Web #WWW
Landed a position in the #Ontario civil service; kept abreast of humanities computing ( aka #digitalhumanities ) via Humanist Discussion List
Known for #blogging in the #margins
Later settling up a #commonplace #blog of my own "Berneval" on #HumanitiesCommons
Learnt #HTML by hand coding my #dissertation
Happy to have observed over the course of the years that #academe the world over has become more porous and #accessible to those that are #extramural. Happy too to have used as #signature #tag "to think is often to sort, to store and to shuffle: humble, embodied tasks".
Looking forward to the #chance #encounters fostered by the #commons ... #Luck to us all.
#luck #commons #encounters #chance #play #serendipity #store #shuffle #sort #tag #signature #extramural #accessible #academe #dissertation #html #HumanitiesCommons #blog #commonplace #margins #blogging #digitalhumanities #ontario #www #toronto
@drmjcwarren I'm not sure, but I found the same problem with verifying an academia.edu page. If you get #HumanitiesCommons working let me know - probably should switch over to there anyway!
Having moved over to #HumanitiesCommons yesterday, I believe it's time for a proper #introduction 👋🏽
Hi, I'm Toby, and am currently working as project manager on the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) project. With a background in Cultural and Media Studies (MA in Television Studies), I am interested in exploring #OpenScholarship practices in their many facets - currently with a focus on scholar-and community-led #OAbooks #OpenInfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences 📚
For the last thirteen years, I've worked in projects that sought to foster uptake of #OER and #OpenEducation practices, #FLOSS tools for teaching and learning, and #OpenScience in more general terms and in a variety of configurations.
From 2012-2018/9, I did a part-time PhD thesis project on Television and Cultural Memory, but eventually decided to step away because things got too complicated ... #mediastudies #commodon
#HumanitiesCommons #introduction #openscholarship #OAbooks #OpenInfrastructure #oer #openeducation #FLOSS #openscience #mediastudies #commodon