"Never let the sadness of your past make you ruin the happiness of your present."
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
"Silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers."
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
"Let today be the day you embrace your beautiful spirit and shine light for those living in the dark." ~ Amaka Nkosazana
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
"Plug into universal Energy. It is your soul's power source. It is constant, continuous and infinite. There is no beginning or end. Energy never ends. It just transforms." ~ Unknown
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
"THE UNIVERSE IS SAYING: Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen." ~ Klaus Joehle
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
❤️🔥Be Where You Are❤️🔥
"Life flies by, and it's easy to get lost in the blur. ...Not worrying so much about what's ahead but rather sitting in the grey area - being OK with where you are."
~ Chris Pine
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
"Ukraine will get Scimitar armored reconnaissance vehicles from UK"
#Freedom #Honor #Respect #Humanity #History #Germany #Europe #War #News #US #NAFO #EU #UK
#UK #EU #NAFO #US #News #War #Europe #Germany #History #Humanity #Respect #honor #Freedom
"U.S. military launches ICBM in display of nuclear forces' readiness"
#Freedom #Honor #Respect #Humanity #History #Germany #Europe #War #News #US #NAFO #EU #Nuclear
#nuclear #EU #NAFO #US #News #War #Europe #Germany #History #Humanity #Respect #honor #Freedom
"Meet the man leading the front-line effort in Ukraine's cyber war with Russia"
#Freedom #Honor #Respect #Humanity #History #Germany #Europe #War #News #US #NAFO #EU #CyberWar #Security #Technology
#Technology #Security #cyberwar #EU #NAFO #US #News #War #Europe #Germany #History #Humanity #Respect #honor #Freedom
May the world reflect on these thoughts, this ode, this homage to freedom and humanity from one of the world's great 20th Century minds, Thomas Mann. (1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate)
"God Help our Darkened and Desecrated Country"
#Freedom #Honor #Respect #Humanity #History #Germany #Europe #War #News #US #NAFO #EU
#EU #NAFO #US #News #War #Europe #Germany #History #Humanity #Respect #honor #Freedom
Ancient humanity was almost wiped out about 900,000 years ago when the global population dwindled to around 1,280 reproducing individuals, according to a new study. What’s more, the population of early human ancestors stayed this small for about 117,000 years.
"You are responsible for your own happiness. If you expect others to make you happy, you will always be disappointed." ~ Unknown
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
“You and I possess within ourselves at every moment of our lives, under all circumstances, the power to transform the quality of our lives.” ~ Werner Erhard
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
💚Consciousness is Life and Life is Consciousness.💚
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
"Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy." ~ Sai Baba
#mybalancedsoul #humanity #love
#mybalancedsoul #Humanity #love
#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Welcome to Jinwar, a women-only village in Syria that wants to smash the patriarchy [UPDATES]
#bijirojava #jinjiyanazadi #feelthebern #demexit #Humanity #MeToo #DACA #sdf #BLM #nodapl #occupy #Union #megabanks #oligarchs #idiocracy #corpmedia
"A repressão na Arábia Saudita atingiu uma nova fase aterradora, na qual um tribunal pode condenar alguém a pena de morte apenas por fazer publicações pacíficas"
#alGhamdi #direitoshumanos #HumanRightsWatch #arabiasaudita #ALQST #AmnistiaInternacional #HumanRights #Humanity #HRW #penademorte #MohamedbinSalman
#MohamedbinSalman #penademorte #hrw #Humanity #HumanRights #amnistiainternacional #ALQST #arabiasaudita #humanrightswatch #direitoshumanos #alghamdi
#Women #WomensRights #WestAfrica #Humanity #GirlsAreChildren #Women #Children #Crisis #Conflict #EndChildMarriage #Rape #RapeCulture #Africa #USA #NorthAmerica #SouthAmerica #Asia #Europe #tiktokviral #LaceysHouse #LaceysHousePa #LaceysHouseAfrica #respectwomen
#women #WomensRights #WestAfrica #Humanity #girlsarechildren #children #crisis #Conflict #endchildmarriage #rape #rapeculture #Africa #usa #northamerica #southamerica #asia #europe #tiktokviral #laceyshouse #laceyshousepa #laceyshouseafrica #respectwomen