"La #Humanity1 della Ong @soshumanity_de ha salvato 106 persone.
Le autorità italiane hanno assegnato #Ancona come porto di sbarco, costringendo i sopravvissuti esausti a bordo a un viaggio di 4 giorni e quasi 1.400km."
#disumanità #Humanity1 #ancona #17agosto #italia
Après que notre équipage ait secouru hier 106 personnes en détresse en Méditerranée centrale, #Humanity1 a été affecté au port d'Ancône, dans le nord de l'Italie, à 1 400 km de là. Les survivants épuisés doivent attendre quatre jours pour un endroit sûr.
🔵 Oggi pomeriggio la nave civile #Humanity1 ha soccorso, in quattro distinti interventi a sud di #Lampedusa, circa 200 persone in fuga dalla #Tunisia. Tra loro una donna incinta in condizioni critiche e diversə donne e bambinə. Grazie @soshumanity_en! #CivilFleetSOS Humanity (international): 🔴Breaking: In 4 rescues from this afternoon, the crew of #Humanity1 rescued around 200 people in total from distress at sea who had set off from #Tunisia. Among them are a heavily pregnant woman as well as several children & women. All of them are now being cared for on board. https://t.co/yCODFHMS8p
#Humanity1 #lampedusa #tunisia #CivilFleetSOS
🔵 La notte scorsa #Humanity1 ha soccorso 163 persone in 4 diverse operazioni #SAR coordinate da MRCC Roma.Ora a bordo ci sono 197 superstiti e la nave si sta dirigendo verso il porto di #Ortona.Grazie @SOSHumanity_en!#CivilFleethttps://twitter.com/soshumanity_en/status/1675086565989556225?s=46SOS Humanity (international): 🔴Breaking: Yesterday evening and last night, the crew of #Humanity1 rescued a total of 163 people from distress at sea in four rescues in international waters within just 8 hours. 2 people had to be emergency evacuated. 1/6An overview of the events: https://t.co/diCYNcXisD
#Humanity1 #sar #ortona #civilfleet
Re Le persone, disidratate e indebolite, stanno ricevendo le prime cure a bordo della #Humanity1. Le Autorità Italiane hanno assegnato per lo sbarco il porto di #Ortona, a 1.260 km di distanza.Grazie @SOSHumanity_en!Forza #CivilFleet! 2/2https://twitter.com/soshumanity_en/status/1674707662766743555?t=qSCoP95e03KMODoVF8TyNA&s=19SOS Humanity (international): [3/3] The Italian authorities have assigned Ortona in Italy as a place of safety. It is 1260 km away.
#Humanity1 #ortona #civilfleet
🔵 La notte scorsa nave civile #Humanity1 ha soccorso 36 persone che si trovavano in pericolo su un'imbarcazione sovraffollata. Ne ha poi assistite altre 50 fino all'arrivo della Guardia Costiera italiana. 1/2SOS Humanity (international): 🔴Breaking: [1/3] Last night the crew of #Humanity1 rescued 36 people from an overcrowded & unseaworthy boat in international waters. After several days at sea, they are dehydrated and weakened, but are now receiving initial care on board the #Humanity1. https://t.co/BtEeaaLtgg
🔴Breaking: [1/3] Last night the crew of #Humanity1 rescued 36 people from an overcrowded & unseaworthy boat in international waters. After several days at sea, they are dehydrated and weakened, but are now receiving initial care on board the #Humanity1.
#Humanity1 is back on her way to the operational area! Our crew uses the transit time for intensive RHIBs training a.o. The work of every single crew member counts. You too can contribute to our mission. Donate now and #SaveOurShip!
👉 https://sos-humanity.org/en/save-our-ship/
[2/3] Aisha* was intercepted by the s.c. Libyan coast guard and imprisoned 3 times – 1 time pregnant, 1 time with her baby. “I was lucky they didn’t kill me (…) The fourth time I tried to escape I was rescued by #Humanity1.”
On today’s International Seafarers' Day, we would like to thank our international and diverse #crew for their hard and professional work. Without them, we wouldn’t have been possible to save over 1,000 people from distress at sea in only five rotations with #Humanity1! 1/5
Already over 1,000 deaths in the central Mediterranean by today's #WorldRefugeeDay make the first six months of 2023 the deadliest since 2017. The #EU is doing nothing to stop the dying.
All the more important that #Humanity1 sets sail. Donate now! 👉 https://sos-humanity.org/en/save-our-ship/
#Humanity1 #EU #WorldRefugeeDay
SOS – #SaveOurShip!
“We need NGO vessels in the Mediterranean to stop people from drowning”, says Federika, Galley support on board #Humanity1. But now, our operations are jeopardised! 1/3
„Here on the ship, I have especially the feeling that I can be helpful because it’s the closest humanitarian emergency where I can help people from where I come from,” says Fares, who was onboard #Humanity1 during the last rotation. 1/3
🔴SOS! #SaveOurShip!
With our #Humanity1, we have rescued 1,042 people from distress at sea in 14 rescue operations in the central #Mediterranean since September. But without sufficient donations by 15 July, we will not be able to continue our operations. 1/3
#mediterranean #Humanity1 #saveourship
After a 3-day journey: all 30 survivors have safely disembarked from #Humanity1 in #Civitavecchia today! They were examined on board by Italian health authorities before being welcomed by the Red Cross in port. We wish them all the best for their future!
[1/2] A ray of light after dark days: with 30 people on board, the #Humanity1 is currently on its way to #Civitavecchia. Our #midwife Holly is looking after the two pregnant women and the two-month-old baby. Learn more about the midwife's work here: https://sos-humanity.org/en/our-mission/protect/midwife-on-board/
#midwife #Civitavecchia #Humanity1
🔵 Grazie alla segnalazione di @alarm_phone, la nave civile #Humanity1 ha soccorso 30 persone in pericolo, tra cui 4 donne e 11 minori, nel #Mediterraneo centrale.Le Autorità italiane hanno assegnato #Civitavecchia come porto di sbarco.Grazie @soshumanity_en!#CivilFleet https://twitter.com/soshumanity_en/status/1665030381928603649
#Humanity1 #mediterraneo #civitavecchia #civilfleet
The #Humanity1 has been assigned another place of safety, Civitavecchia. It is almost 1,000km away, we will arrive there in about 3 days.
With €123, you can provide one hour’s worth of fuel for Humanity 1. Donate now! 👉 https://tinyurl.com/mwdh23jj
The #Humanity1 has been assigned another port, Civitavecchia. It is just under 1,000km away, we will arrive there in about 3 days.
With €123, you can provide one hour’s worth of fuel for Humanity 1. Donate now! 👉 https://tinyurl.com/mwdh23jj
[2/3] The survivors are exhausted and some of them are seasick. They now recieve first-aid aboard the #Humanity1.
Italian authorities assigned the distant port of Ancona, almost 1400 km away, as place of safety.