Impressionen vom #kirchentag2023 der Christians4Future Dtl. : Menschenkette, Gottesdienste, C4F-Stand & Podiumsdiskussionen, Klimakanzel u.v.m. Danke an Alle, die dabei waren. #HumanityFirst #Earth #EndFossilFuels
@erzbistumberlin @EABerlin
@Aiti @christians4future @c4f_hh @DSBKonsistorium @ekbo_de @parents4future @Berlin4Future
#Kirchentag2023 #HumanityFirst #earth #endfossilfuels
Hard work does the trick
RT @Thoughtful1ness: What let’s you sleep at night
Will rest you during the day
#Accelerationism doesn't work either, e.g. "we'll let the far-right win so the opposition will do a reality check and become better". The far-right doesn't play fair, and with every year they spend year in power they'll increasingly undermine and sabotage the democratic system, and skew the playing field towards themselves. This happened in Hungary...
- Adam Something (YouTube)
#Democracy #HumanityFirst #WhiteNationalism #FarRight #Racism
#accelerationism #democracy #HumanityFirst #whitenationalism #FarRight #racism
RT Mindcite_US: "Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak... that it is doing God's ser…
"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak... that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws." -U.S. Founding father John Adams
#TaxTheRich #HumanityFirst
Why crown Charles and Camilla ? -emblems of corruption and immorality ? Cringe factor! Now Charles' Chief of Staff speaks up about being ordered to call Diana insane. Imagine that...
#democracy #HumanRights #HumanityFirst #mentalhealth #AbolishTheMonarchy #NotmyKing #camillagate #Camilla #Diana #QueenConsort #QueenCamilla
#QueenCamilla #queenconsort #diana #camilla #camillagate #notmyking #AbolishTheMonarchy #mentalhealth #HumanityFirst #humanrights #democracy
Merci 🇨🇵! Grazie! #HumanityFirst 🙌
Ocean Viking: pour Gérald Darmanin, "l'Italie n'a pas été au rendez-vous du devoir d'humanité"
RT @trainofhope: Eindrücke aus unserem Social Bazar: Syrer, der 2015 gekommen ist, erklärt Ukrainerin, die grad noch im Ankunftszentrum war, wo sie was findet. Iraker liefert der ukr. Familie, die gestern einen Nervenzusammenbruch hatte, Möbel, die sie sich hier ausgesucht haben.💛 #HumanityFirst
RT @trainofhope: Kindersitze gesucht! Wir würden uns sehr über eure ausrangierten Sitzerhöhungen/Autokindersitze freuen. Wir transportieren laufend Familien mit vielen Kindern und benötigen hier Nachschub 💛🙏 Bitte RT! Vielen Dank #humanityfirst
RT @EU_ECHO: The conflict in Yemen has entered its 8th year.
Despite the challenges, the EU and partners remain present on the ground, delivering life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable.
The conflict in Yemen has entered its 8th year.
Despite the challenges, the EU and partners remain present on the ground, delivering life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable.