Yes,I like to be manic pixie dream girl,but I like gayzzz,I love gayzzz but just I don't think about gayzzz in that way!it's not like it was a few decade ago,with out"rights" #humansrights man's went out to"hard"work,woman's stayed home with the kidzzz;I understand gayzzz are both equal! neither one is the "wife",but I like gayzzz,it's just that it makes me feel a tiny bit better if I have hetero friendzzz #pipedown
@infosnipe in #Russia the #lgbtq community is faced as subhumans . Violence and killings are every day events in #Putlers #neonazi state, where all nazis worldwide want to be its members.
#Humansrights and generally #lgbtq rights are in RuSSia under the zero level.
In contrast to that in #Ukraine the #pride is beeing normally and increase its members everyday.
#russia #lgbtq #Putlers #neonazi #Humansrights #ukraine #pride