Finally it's time for #myindiegameofthemonth August'23 is #moonscars by #blackmermaid and published by #humblegames 28 Sep’22 and available on all relevant plarforms. I noticed this game for having #ukranianlocalization and glad I did! In short, if you like #hollowknight #castlevania #blasphameous than you gonna love this one as well! Spoiler Alert - I do recommend playing this game, it's a great game. More 👇
#reviews #glukoreview #gamedev #gaming #indiegames
#myindiegameofthemonth #moonscars #BlackMermaid #HumbleGames #ukranianlocalization #hollowknight #castlevania #blasphameous #reviews #glukoreview #gamedev #gaming #indiegames
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical review: a melodic adventure with something to sing about - #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #VisualNovel&Dating; #SummerfallStudios #ActionAdventure #HumbleGames #WotIThink #StoryRich #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #StoryRich #wotithink #HumbleGames #ActionAdventure #SummerfallStudios #visualnovel #StrayGods
Chat about Unpacking with us in the RPS Game Club today - #Birdview/Isometric #NintendoSwitch #PointandClick #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #HumbleBundle #HumbleGames #RPSGameClub #Simulation #Unpacking #WitchBeam #XboxOne #Puzzle #Indie #PS5 #PS4 #Mac #PC
#pc #mac #ps4 #ps5 #indie #puzzle #xboxone #witchbeam #Unpacking #simulation #rpsgameclub #HumbleGames #humblebundle #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #pointandclick #nintendoswitch #birdview
Unpacking doesn't let me leave stuff on the floor and I feel personally attacked - #Birdview/Isometric #NintendoSwitch #XboxSeriesX/S #PointandClick #HumbleBundle #SinglePlayer #RPSGameClub #HumbleGames #Simulation #WitchBeam #Unpacking #XboxOne #Puzzle #Indie #PS5 #PS4 #Mac #PC
#pc #mac #ps4 #ps5 #indie #puzzle #xboxone #Unpacking #witchbeam #simulation #HumbleGames #rpsgameclub #singleplayer #humblebundle #pointandclick #XboxSeriesX #nintendoswitch #birdview
Come join our RPS Game Club liveblog for Unpacking this Friday! - #Birdview/Isometric #NintendoSwitch #PointandClick #XboxSeriesX/S #Indiescovery #HumbleBundle #SinglePlayer #RPSGameClub #HumbleGames #Simulation #Unpacking #WitchBeam #XboxOne #Puzzle #Indie #PS5 #PS4 #Mac #PC
#pc #mac #ps4 #ps5 #indie #puzzle #xboxone #witchbeam #Unpacking #simulation #HumbleGames #rpsgameclub #singleplayer #humblebundle #Indiescovery #XboxSeriesX #pointandclick #nintendoswitch #birdview
Unpacking's finance bro boyfriend is the absolute worst - #Birdview/Isometric #NintendoSwitch #PointandClick #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #HumbleBundle #RPSGameClub #HumbleGames #Simulation #Unpacking #WitchBeam #XboxOne #Puzzle #Indie #Mac #PS5 #PS4 #PC
#pc #ps4 #ps5 #mac #indie #puzzle #xboxone #witchbeam #Unpacking #simulation #HumbleGames #rpsgameclub #humblebundle #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #pointandclick #nintendoswitch #birdview
Indiescovery Episode 14 - A Very Early Halloween Special - #TheMissing:J.J.MacfieldandtheIslandofMemories #IndiescoveryPodcast #Birdview/Isometric #ActionAdventure #RedCandleGames #NintendoSwitch #MWMInteractive #ArcSystemWorks #DarkDeception #PointandClick #SinglePlayer #Indiescovery #LayersofFear #rose-engine #Firstperson #BlooberTeam #HumbleGames #Platformer #AspyrMedia #Simulacra #Detention #Signalis #RPG
#rpg #Signalis #Detention #simulacra #aspyrmedia #platformer #HumbleGames #blooberteam #firstperson #rose #layersoffear #Indiescovery #singleplayer #pointandclick #darkdeception #arcsystemworks #MWMInteractive #nintendoswitch #redcandlegames #ActionAdventure #birdview #indiescoverypodcast #TheMissing
Dragon Age writer's musical RPG Stray Gods delayed to avoid Baldur's Gate 3's release - #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #SummerfallStudios #ActionAdventure #DavidGaider #HumbleGames #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #HumbleGames #DavidGaider #ActionAdventure #SummerfallStudios #StrayGods
The RPS Game Club pick for July is Unpacking! - #Birdview/Isometric #NintendoSwitch #XboxSeriesX/S #PointandClick #HumbleBundle #Indiescovery #SinglePlayer #HumbleGames #RPSGameClub #Simulation #Unpacking #WitchBeam #XboxOne #Puzzle #Indie #PS4 #PS5 #Mac #PC
#pc #mac #ps5 #ps4 #indie #puzzle #xboxone #witchbeam #Unpacking #simulation #rpsgameclub #HumbleGames #singleplayer #Indiescovery #humblebundle #pointandclick #XboxSeriesX #nintendoswitch #birdview
Then I gave #Cataclismo a go. Developed by Digital Sun, the studio behind indie hit #Moonlighter, and published by #HumbleGames. The reveal trailer was fairly vague, so I was curious. The demo however greeted me with the most tedious tutorial I’ve played in a while. It gets better after that, but “tedious” still seems like an apt description for most parts of the game. There are not many new #RTS titles on the market, though, so regardless of that I’ll keep an eye on this in the future.
#cataclismo #moonlighter #HumbleGames #rts
Slay the Spire modders’ roguelike auto-battler Tales & Tactics gets an early access launch date - #Strategy:Turn-BasedStrategy #ActionAdventure #NintendoSwitch #Tales&Tactics; #SlaytheSpire #HumbleBundle #SinglePlayer #HumbleGames #CardGames #Sideview #Strategy #Fantasy #Indie #RPG #PS4 #PC
#pc #ps4 #rpg #indie #fantasy #sideview #cardgames #HumbleGames #singleplayer #humblebundle #SlaytheSpire #tales #nintendoswitch #ActionAdventure #strategy
Winnie-the-Pooh mutates into a meaty abomination in Ring Of Pain studio's next game - #ActionAdventure #NintendoSwitch #TwiceDifferent #SinglePlayer #Winnie'sHole #Indiescovery #HumbleGames #RingofPain #CardGames #Roguelike #Strategy #Horror #Indie #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #indie #horror #strategy #roguelike #cardgames #RingofPain #HumbleGames #Indiescovery #winnie #singleplayer #twicedifferent #nintendoswitch #ActionAdventure
🧵 (1/7) Some late night thoughts on today's #HumbleGamesShowcase.
#HumbleGames #GamingNews #GameNews #Gaming #VideoGames #Games #PCGaming #Gamers
#humblegamesshowcase #HumbleGames #gamingnews #gamenews #gaming #videogames #games #pcgaming #gamers
Everything that happened at the Humble Games Showcase 2023 - #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #Strategy:Real-TimeStrategy #Supraland:SixInchesUnder #Bō:PathoftheTealLotus #BreezeInTheClouds #Strategy:Builder #ActionAdventure #WizardOfLegend2 #Metroidvania #Indiescovery #HumbleGames #Exploration #Historical #Platformer #Management #Cataclismo #LostSkies #OpenWorld #Roguelike #Fighting #Fantasy #Sandbox #RPG
#rpg #sandbox #fantasy #fighting #roguelike #openworld #lostskies #cataclismo #management #platformer #Historical #exploration #HumbleGames #Indiescovery #metroidvania #wizardoflegend2 #ActionAdventure #breezeintheclouds #bo #supraland #strategy #StrayGods
This beautiful #HumbleGames release is coming in September.
The cute cozy cat game we've been watching for 6 years is finally coming out @pcgamer
Dragon Age writer’s musical RPG Stray Gods has an August release date - #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #VisualNovel&Dating; #DavidGaider #HumbleGames #StoryRich
#StoryRich #HumbleGames #DavidGaider #visualnovel #StrayGods
Temtem Season 3 adds an official Nuzlocke mode, pulling from community-made Pokémon rules - #HumbleGames #Temtem #Social #Crema #MMO #RPG
#rpg #MMO #Crema #social #Temtem #HumbleGames
Here's my Let's Try of the #SteamNextFest #Demo of Protodroid DeLTA (PC), a #3D action #Platformer #Shooter, in-development by Adam Kareem. #HumbleGames #PlatformerShooter #IndieGame #PCGaming #VideoGames #Gaming
#HumbleGames #gaming #videogames #pcgaming #indiegame #platformershooter #shooter #platformer #3d #demo #SteamNextFest
Ikenfell is an endearing tactical RPG that gave me earworms - #RPSMagicWeek #Indiescovery #HumbleGames #Ikenfell #Indie #RPG
#rpg #indie #ikenfell #HumbleGames #Indiescovery #rpsmagicweek
The RPS Selection Box: Rachel's bonus games of the year 2022 - #IWasATeenageExocolonist #FellowTraveller #RPSSelectionBox #NorthwayGames #HumbleGames #rose-engine #Blockbuster #BeaconPines #HidingSpot #Signalis #Playism #Horror #Indie #Finji
#finji #indie #horror #playism #Signalis #HidingSpot #BeaconPines #blockbuster #rose #HumbleGames #northwaygames #rpsselectionbox #fellowtraveller #iwasateenageexocolonist